"Ahimsa," which translates to "noninjury" or "nonviolence" is an ancient Indian ethical principle of causing no harm to living things. Veganism is nothing but the logical culmination of vegetarianism. Where does vegetarianism come from? The feeling that I will not kill the animal, I don't want to harm the animal. That same feeling finds its final expression in veganism.
Land of Ahimsa is now streaming live on UnchainedTV.com HERE
Dolly Vyas-Ahuja in India with two Goats. Photo from Land of Ahimsa's
Facebook page.
With the award-winning film Land of Ahimsa streaming for free on UnchainedTV, many people are asking... Gandhi made it famous. Millions of Buddhists, Hindus, and Jains practice it, but what does ahimsa actually mean?
The interpretations vary a little between religions, but "ahimsa," which translates to "noninjury" or "nonviolence" is an ancient Indian ethical principle of causing no harm to living things.
Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.