New Earth Abolition seeks to change humanity’s relationship from one of exploitation to a relationship built on these three biblical principles.
Acknowledging that animals are persons instead of property should
cause believers to consider all of the harmful ways humans exploit
animals. Therefore, our ministry advocates NEA as a guide to help
believers change the current human method of exploiting animals to
one that God intends as an ideal. NEA was introduced in Matthew A.
King’s I Will Abolish the Bow: Christianity, Personhood, and the End
of Animal Exploitation. It is comprised of three tenets that
originate from the Bible in recognizing human duties to animals in
light of personhood.
The Three Tenets of NEA
Or, In summary – Humans should treat animals with:
NEA seeks to change humanity’s relationship from one of exploitation
to a relationship built on these three biblical principles. NEA
should cause us to pause and reflect on all the ways humans exploit
animals and determine if they line up with these above tenets. By
utilizing the principles of NEA, we advocate against all grievous
forms of animal exploitation, with a focus on four industries in