Eating Animals is not the purpose of Christmas
Animals: Tradition - Philosophy - Religion Article from

FROM Reneé King-Sonnen
Facebook posting, December 25, 2021

Jesus didn’t anoint the suffering of animals! Blood sacrifices - eating animals - is not the purpose of Christmas.

Renee and Tommy Sonnen

Have a holly, jolly Christmas- love, Reneé and Tommy

FYI - definition of Christ is the anointed one. Definition of anointed is 1 : to smear or rub with oil or an oily substance. 2a : to apply oil to as part of a religious ceremony The priest anointed the sick.

Today let’s remember that the “anointed” ONE we celebrate as “Christians” used frankincense and Myrrh - the anointed one is a Prince of Peace.

The first Mass was instituted by Christ at the Last Supper, on the first Holy Thursday. The unbloody sacrifice of the Last Supper is a memorial of Christ's bloody sacrifice on the cross.

So there ya go! Did you know the word Christmas is not in the Bible? Jesus didn’t anoint the suffering of animals! Blood sacrifices - eating animals - is not the purpose of Christmas. We should feel the anointed presence of “the Christ” consciousness which was about being enlightened, free of the bloody rituals of our barbaric origins. God's original intention according to our beginnings in Eden was vegan!

My wish for all of you is true PEACE ON EARTH! Peace for all of God's creation! It begins on your plate.

Merry Christmas and may the light and essence of Christ truly open your vegan origin.


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