Animals: Tradition - Philosophy - Religion Article from

The Interfaith Vegan Coalition: Its Values, Goals, and Mission

From Lisa Levinson and Judy Carman, Compassion Consortium
February 2024

“We, the members of the Interfaith Vegan Coalition, do hereby declare that humanity has caused severe destruction to people, animals, and the earth. We believe there is still time to heal the damage and liberate all animals and the earth from human violence if human beings can awaken to our true nature. We recognize that all beings, regardless of species, value their lives, families, and friends. They want to live and be free from human domination and violence. As spiritual people who seek to align our values of loving-kindness and nonviolence with our actions, we declare that we will do our part each day to create a Vegan world of compassion, respect, and liberation for all beings.”

interfaith vegan coalition
Visit the Interfaith Vegan Coalition (IVC) website HERE.

Thank you, Compassion Consortium, for inviting us at the Interfaith Vegan Coalition (IVC) to write about our favorite subject–Vegan values and spirituality. We, Lisa Levinson and Judy Carman, co-founded the IVC in 2015 at an animal rights convention with the help of Thomas Jackson, director of the film, A Prayer for Compassion. The timing for launching such an organization, that brought spirituality together with animal liberation, seemed to be perfect. We were met with tremendous encouragement from many people at that first meeting

Since the birth of IVC, we have discovered many other groups with very similar visions. The Compassion Consortium became one of our coalition members early on, and we have enjoyed many common projects together. It’s no wonder, because our missions and goals are so aligned and complement each other in many ways.

Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.

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