A Wildlife Article from All-Creatures.org

Nevada Lands and Wildlife Win!

From Center for Biological Diversity
July 2022

Proposal to transfer hundreds of thousands of acres of Nevada public lands to the military and private developers is shut down.

Sage Grouse Nevada
Sage Grouse Eastern Nevada - Tatiana Gettelman, USGS

After Center supporters sent 16,000 comments in just 10 hours, this week the House Rules Committee rebuffed a proposal to transfer hundreds of thousands of acres of Nevada public lands to the military and private developers.

The measure would have harmed bighorn sheep, hundreds of thousands of migratory birds, and endangered Dixie Valley toads.

“I’m so pleased this destructive threat to public lands has been stopped in its tracks,” said Patrick Donnelly, the Center's Great Basin director. “Nevada needs more birds, not more bombs.”

Thanks to everyone who took action and helped save Nevada's wildlife.

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