Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of the Whole of Creation
"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day" (Genesis 1:31)
This Journal was begun 1 January 2001 and last updated
16 August 2011
| Animals - Birds | Animals - Insects and Other Little Folk | Animals - Mammals | Animals - Reptiles and Fish | Flowers | Other Plant Life | Scenery | Unsorted |
(To enlarge the photos, click on the photos or links - To return to your place on this page, click on the "back" button on your tool bar or links)
Argentine Leaf Folding Frog |
Spawning Carp |
Sobe (iguana) and Johann (cat): Great Friends |
Tsunami Friends: Owen and Mzee |
Sea Star |
Purple Sea Urchins |
Snails |
Freshwater Pond Snail |
Balsam Fir |
Black Spruce |
Bunchberry |
Cinnamon Fern |
Eastern White Pine |
Eastern White Pine Cone |
Eastern White Pine Needles |
Low Bush Blueberry |
Beaked Hazelnut |
Kinnickinnick |
Kinnickinnick |
Partridgeberry |
Moonscape or Mushroom |
Keyhole Nebula |
Baking Yeast - An Unusual Perspective |