Contact Rep. Shimsky to Stop Circuses in Westchester
Action Alerts From Animal Defenders of Westchester (ADOW)

We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts.

Contact Rep. Shimsky to Stop Circuses in Westchester

From: Animal Defenders of Westchester (ADOW)
February 20, 2018 

Westchester County Exec George Latimer has informed us that legislator MaryJane Shimsky has agreed to write legislation banning circuses here.

After a lengthy discussion with Rep. Shimsky's aide in December (after her avoiding the topic for over a year), providing extensive circus information she requested - she responded by writing to the Hanneford Circus to ask them for 'their side' of this issue. A subsequent mtg with her garnered little support.

After being informed of her agreement, we spoke with her aide recently on the phone to confirm - and she couldn't have sounded more vague and disinterested about a time frame for pursuing this issue. Meanwhile at least two other circuses will be heading here in the spring/summer of 2018.

PLEASE CONTACT REP SHIMSKY and politely insist that she write a circus ban ASAP. It is nothing short of disgraceful that the board of legislators has totally ignored this subject for four + years, they are an embarrassment to Westchester.

Rep. Shimsky
[email protected] 
[email protected]

Assistant Ellen Hendrickx
[email protected]

County Executive George Latimer
[email protected]

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