We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts.
HUGE THANKS to everyone who showed up on March 13 in support of a proposed puppy mill ban in Greenburgh, NY. There will be appx two more mtgs and this is an excellent start, including the heartbreaking testimony from someone who received two sick animals from a local pet shop; it was her outreach to our group that began this effort.
To view this mtg visit
Puppy mill discussion begins @ 0:00:10 and then proceeds again
intermittently till the end of the mgt.
**Also look for the earlier award section at 09:00 - given to children
participating in 'Destination Imagination' who chose educating people about
animal abuse and adoption as their topic! The children are called 'The
Sassy Spectacular Seven'.
Note: A list of all other current Westchester puppy mill bans are displayed
to the right, scroll down to 'public discussions'
(There is also discussion about an ongoing questionable building effort in
Greenburgh that would destroy trees among other problems to animals and the
environment; if anyone wishes to be involved in that pls let us know - ADOW)
If you wish to politely email town Supv. Paul Feiner on either item:
[email protected]
“It was one of the best efforts that I’ve been involved in ... It didn’t
have anything to do with political parties. It was all for the animals.
I can't think of anything I'd be more proud of than the Village of
Mamaroneck being the leader in New York state to do this," said Mayor Norm
Rosenblum, who proposed the law banning sales of puppy mill animals in
"Never, never ever be afraid to do what's right, especially if the
well-being of a person or animal is at stake." ~ Dr Martin Luther King
Source: Rolling Stone Magazine "Inside the sickening workd of
puppymills' Jan 3, 2017
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