Martin Cisneros, from Fort Worth, TX., is a
Six-Principle Baptist minister who writes and speaks on diverse topics
related to Christianity. Martin sees his calling as a mender of what�s
been broken and fragmented in God�s Creation. He envisions his calling
as rooted in 1 Thessalonians 3:8-13.
Martin so far counts three major things, or events,
or epochs in his life where he experienced �new birth,� or
transformation of his spiritual, emotional, and intellectual life. [He
considers each to build upon and to supplement the others.] These three
things that have influenced him so profoundly are:
1). The international multimedia and conference
teaching ministry of Kenneth Copeland;
2). An 1831 reprint of a question and answer book
from 1792 called �Dialogues on the Universal Restoration� by Elhanan
3). The question and answer book �Being Vegan� by
Joanne Stepaniak.
Martin says that from Kenneth Copeland he learned
the practical �how-to�s� of how to be a Christian; from Elhanan
Winchester Martin says he gained invaluable lessons on the consistency
and harmony of the Bible�s message of God�s love, purpose, provision,
plan, and faithfulness - even regarding the �deep questions� of life;
and lastly, Martin says that from Joanne Stepaniak he learned the
profound consistency of veganism with everything that he�d been learning
elsewhere about the meaning, value, purpose, and oneness of all life
everywhere. Each of these three "divine encounters" provoked in Martin
further prayer and study until this perspective of God's eternal plan
for animals was birthed.
Martin is currently restudying Biblical "end-times"
prophecy to better grasp the timing of some of the events related to
this Covenant. Martin is also seeking how to be able to better explain
this "Animal Gospel" to seasoned Bible students. A second � hopefully
more advanced � series of articles on the Hosea 2:18; Jeremiah 31:27-28
Covenant is under development and should be available on this website