Animal Gospel

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,
For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord
As the waters cover the sea. ~Isaiah 11:9

Frequently Asked Questions

The F.A.Q.s are more fast paced with simply highlighting some of the "frequently asked questions" that I've received over the years, from different aspects of how to apply this teaching to explaining why the usage of animal slurs is "profane." Why is the term for a female dog, or another word for a "donkey" considered using profanity in society? I answer that and many other questions of conscience here.

Table of Contents

001 - Why is this covenant even necessary to the animal liberation cause?

002 - Why now?

003 - What's wrong with believing that this Hosea 2:18 Covenant isn't something that's inaugurated until the Lord returns?

004 - How do we persuade fellow-Christians of the validity of this covenant for today?

005 - How do we put a stop, then, to all of the animal exploitation and oppression?

006 - But haven't animals striven the least for what we would call sanctification?

007 - Is there ever a permissible reason for killing an animal, or putting one "to sleep"?

008 - How do we reach out to animals with gospel ministry? What shape would ministry towards them take?

009 - What if you were wrong about the probable alternative meanings of the words translated "fish" in the gospels?

010 - Why should I concern myself with this covenant since the New Testament seems to say so little, if anything, about it?

011 - Isn't this just another stumbling block to people accepting Christ?

012 - Aren't you just introducing another testament like the Mormons?

013 - What about Paul's warning in Galatians about other gospels?

014 - Aren't you just introducing another "law"?

015 - Martin, as Christians, we're not supposed to build our doctrines out of the Old Testament!

016 - Can't this be used to breed more Phariseeism? After all, aren't these "just" animals?

017 - Isn't the veganism you're advocating because of this Hosea 2:18 passage simply a guise for "worshipping and serving the creation rather than the Creator" as St. Paul warned us about?

018 - What about Jesus' comments about humans being worth more than birds in the sight of God?

019 - Can't I love God, God's Word, and all of the creation of God (including the animals) and not be growing in the direction of strict veganism?

020 - What about the feeding of pets?

021 - What about Paul's statements about those who are spiritual not being suitably judged by others?

022 - What about Paul's comments about not letting anyone judge you regarding food?

023 - Shouldn't all of the Scriptures that you're referring to only be taken allegorically for God's dealings with humans?

024 - If this is true, then how could so many Christians have possibly been wrong about this?

025 - Martin, how did you come to this place of having this much love for animals? I can't see myself ever getting there!

026 - Martin, do you see yourself shepherding animals a million years from now?

027 - Martin, so would you say that eating an animal is a sin?

028 - So, Martin, are you saying that eating an animal is something we'll be judged for?

029 - What about people who are allergic to soy?

030 - But why would God put the animals here if not for us to eat?

031 - But, didn't Jesus say that it's not what goes into a man's mouth that defiles him, but what comes out of it that defiles him?

032 - Prove that animals have souls and exhibit at least a proto-spirituality!

033 - Why would God have allowed such cruelty towards animals over the last several thousand years, if indeed it can be called cruelty?

034 - But what about insects, parasites, and fish? Is there ever a legitimate reason to kill them? Is that ever permissible?

035 - What do you say to the argument that this is a threat to cultural diversity and the heritage of many peoples to oppose what you call cruelty towards animals?

036 - Martin, do you believe that these are the days that Jesus talked about that would be as the days of Noah?

037 - Martin, do you expect animals to vanish in the rapture, were one to take place?

038 - What about interpretations of Scripture that seem to detail a continued case for animal exploitation into the distant future with the blessing of God?

039 - What are the potential fruits of this Hosea 2:18 covenant?

040 - But isn't this Hosea 2:18 emphasis just one more attempt to bring people under the ministry of condemnation?

041 - Martin, how do you respond to someone who's read everything you've presented here and while thinking that you've brought up some good and important points is still inclined to think that all of this is irrelevant to their lives because they believe Hosea 2:18 to be a part of the Gospel to the Circumcision rather than a part of the Pauline Gospel to the Nations?

042 - What about those who don't see animals as having "ages to come" but as only living during this age?

043 - What about those who see this whole covenant, the way you've presented it, Martin, and still think that it smacks of too much legalism for them (i.e. like the denominational garbage that Christ has been setting them free from)?

044 - Is this Hosea 2:18 covenant an attempt at restoring the Edenic state?

045 - How do you interpret the passage that there will be no more sea in the Book of Revelation?

046 - Martin, don't you realize that the things that you are saying are going to get you into the deepest trouble?

047 - Martin, don't you realize that if anything were really wrong with what you call "enslaving animals" and eating them that God would have overthrown this a long time ago? What makes you think, given the long history of eating animals, that this is something that's wrong?

048 - Martin, how do you respond to someone who's read everything you've presented here and while thinking that you've brought up some good and important points is still inclined to think that all of this is irrelevant to their lives because they believe Hosea 2:18 to be a part of the Gospel to the Circumcision rather than a part of the Pauline Gospel to the Nations?

049 - What about those who don't see animals as having "ages to come" but as only living during this age?

050 - What about those who see this whole covenant, the way you've presented it, Martin, and still think that it smacks of too much legalism for them (i.e. like the denominational garbage that Christ has been setting them free from)?

051 - Is this Hosea 2:18 covenant an attempt at restoring the Edenic state?

052 - How do you interpret the passage that there will be no more sea in the Book of Revelation?

053 - Martin, don't you realize that the things that you are saying are going to get you into the deepest trouble?

054 - Martin, don't you realize that if anything were really wrong with what you call "enslaving animals" and eating them that God would have overthrown this a long time ago? What makes you think, given the long history of eating animals, that this is something that's wrong?

055 - Martin, does someone have to be a Universalist in order to share your covenant perspective regarding these animals?

056 - Why is it wrong to call someone either a bitch or a jack ass? Why are the names of animals used in slang, frustration, or anger considered profanity?

057 - Is there anything in favor of this Covenant that we can take away from St. Paul�s teachings that are otherwise often used to try to disprove compassion-based theologies and philosophies by well meaning opponents of this message?

058 - Do Christians willingly ignore this?

059 - Do you believe that Churches should be organized around this message?

060 - Isn�t this just cookie cutting of Scripture and construing it any way that you wish?

061 - My pastor says this is nonsense, should I leave my Church over it?

062 - Martin, I attended a leading seminary and graduated with honors. Anything approximating what you�re sharing here was considered demonic there. Was all of my schooling wrong?

063 - Isn�t this just one more Charismatic/Pentecostal doctrine for Christians to get their hopes up about, only to be disappointed and frustrated by it in the end?

064 - Do you believe that children should be taught this?

065 - If Christianity went veggie, a lot of people wouldn�t come to Christ!

066 - What are you going to do with all of the people who are going to pray for their pet�s healing and their pet dies anyway?


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