Action Alerts
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"Be the change you wish to see in the world" ~Mohandas Gandhi
"Our lives begin and end the day we become silent about things that matter" ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Originally Posted: April 4, 2013
Tell Montana Governor Steve Bullock to veto the harmful bison bills that Montana anti-buffalo legislators are sending to his desk. A veto from Governor Bullock will prevent these bills from becoming law.
These are America's last wild buffalo, not just Montana's, and everyone's voice counts!
Sign an online petition (copy/paste URL into your browser):
And/or better yet, make direct contact:
Governor Steve Bullock
Office of the Governor
Montana State Capitol
P.O. Box 200801
Helena, MT 59620-0801
phone (855) 318-1330 or (406) 444-3111
fax (406-444-5529
[email protected]
Kill the Bills, Not the Buffalo! Montana legislators have done some damage, passing five anti-buffalo bills. You've helped defeat the rest of the harmful bills but these five are headed to Montana Governor Steve Bullock's desk.
We have reached our last line of defense against legislation that will seriously harm wild bison: Montana Governor Steve Bullock.
It's vital for everyone to make contact with Governor Bullock and let him know you stand for protecting America's wild buffalo and our natural heritage. If you live out of state, let him know why you visit Montana, tell him what is important to you, ask him where he stands on these bills and to show leadership by working to defeat legislation that seeks to destroy our last wild buffalo and public wildlife.
These are America's last wild buffalo, not just Montana's, and everyone's voice counts!
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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