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"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Originally Posted: July 14, 2013
[Ed. Note: For more about their use of naimals, visit State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY]
FROM Sara Florence,
If the facility cannot be trusted to keep its order of rabbits to a bare minimum to decrease the amount of suffering the animals must endure and will instead order bulk amounts of whatever animal it needs (fueling the mills that produce these animals) and then hand them off to random passersby, they cannot be trusted to continue their research on these animals.
Please take action to stop the use of rabbits in the Stony Brook University laboratories.
Sign an online petition (copy/paste URL into your browser):
And/or better yet, make direct contact:
Samuel L. Stanley
The Office of the President
310 Administration Building
Stony Brook, New York 11794-0701
phone (631) 632-6265
fax (631) 632-6621
In February 2013, the Stony Brook University biology laboratory ordered more rabbits than needed for its research. The laboratory proceeded to offer the surplus rabbits to random students and students-hangers-on, under the threat of euthanizing any animals that remained.
Rabbits are very delicate animals with very specific dietary and medical needs. Their care falls under the category of “exotic pets,” because even veteran dog or cat owners would not know how to care for a rabbit without proper research. They should never be handed out without regulation or preparation on the part of the future owner.
The laboratory created an atmosphere of impulse adopters, including young students without the proper environment or finances to care for these animals, under the looming threat of the rabbits being euthanized. This is the sort of atmosphere wherein well-wishers will release captive rabbits into the wild to be immediately killed by passing vehicles or predators because they are unaccustomed to caring for themselves in the wilderness.
Animal testing and research is already a gruesome and under-regulated business, and this incident is just one more example of the callousness with which the animals are treated in these laboratories. If the facility cannot be trusted to keep its order of rabbits to a bare minimum to decrease the amount of suffering the animals must endure and will instead order bulk amounts of whatever animal it needs (fueling the mills that produce these animals) and then hand them off to random passersby, they cannot be trusted to continue their research on these animals.
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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