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"Be the change you wish to see in the world" ~Mohandas Gandhi
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Originally Posted: July 16, 2013
FROM Center for Biological Diversity
The Bureau of Lang Management's new draft fracking rules
are even weaker than in the past. Sadly, these regulations seem designed to
encourage as much fracking as possible, while doing little to protect the
environment or people's health.
Now's our chance to ensure the feds take real steps to protect our national
treasures. Tell the Bureau of Land Management to ban fracking on our public
Sign an online petition (copy/paste URL into your browser):
And/or better yet, make direct contact:
Steven Wells
Division Chief
Bureau of Land Management
Fluid Minerals
20 M Street, SE
Washington DC 20003
BLM online contact page:
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, uses huge volumes of water mixed with
dangerous chemicals to blast open rock formations and extract oil and gas.
Fast-growing new fracking technologies are quickly transforming landscapes
from Pennsylvania to California -- and our prized public lands have become
targets for fracking developers.
Rocky Mountain National Park is already suffering from air-quality problems
due to drilling and fracking on nearby public lands. Southern Utah's Arches
and Canyonlands national parks are surrounded by public lands targeted by
industry. And the Bureau of Land Management in Colorado plans to auction off
nearly 12,000 acres of public lands for oil and gas drilling -- and the
majority of those acres are located less than 10 miles from Mesa Verde,
another of our iconic national parks.
The best way to protect these national treasures along with our air, water,
health and climate from the dangers of fracking is to simply prohibit this
form of fuel extraction. And where better to start than by protecting public
lands by banning fracking?
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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