In Defense of Animals (IDA)
December 2013
The Long Island Farm Bureau and United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services (USDA WS) plan to kill up to 5,000 innocent deer in the five easternmost towns of Suffolk County beginning January of 2014.
Sign an online petition
1) Sign our alert which will automatically send an email to all seventeen of the officials promoting this unprecedented deer massacre.
2) Sign the petition started by our friends.
3) Attend meetings of the East Hampton Town Board on Thursday, December 19th and the Village Board on Friday, December 20th.
Local activists and concerned citizens are planning to turn out in large numbers to voice their opposition at the Town Board meeting at the Town Hall on Pantigo Road in East Hampton on Thursday, 12/19/13, at 7:00 pm, and at the Village Board in East Hampton meeting on Friday, 12/20/13 at 11:00 am at the Emergency Services Building (Firehouse) on 1 Cedar Street in East Hampton. Members of the public and the East Hampton Group for Wildlife plan to speak and need a strong turnout. Please join them if you can.
4) CALL IN (no matter where you live!) on Tuesday, December 17th, between 10 am – 3 pm EST. Members of East Hampton Town and Village Boards and other local Boards need to hear from everyone who stands for reason, compassion and alternative solutions to killing. Please make your voices heard by making five calls to the elected officials below, or by faxing your protest.
Larry Cantwell
Incoming East Hampton Town Supervisor
(631) 324-3187, press #1 for general mailbox
Paul Rickenback
Mayor, East Hampton Village
(631) 324-4150, ext.17
Don Louchheim
Mayor or Lee Foster - Deputy Mayor, Sagaponack Village
(631) 537-0017
Mark Epley
Mayor, Southampton Village
(631) 283-0247, ext. 221
Scott Russell
Town of Southold, Supervisor
(631) 765-1889
All deer will first be lured to their death by bait stations. Then they will either be shot from tree stands by sharpshooters using rifles loaded with frangible bullets, which break up into fragments on contact and cause large shallow wounds, or they will be captured in drop nets and then executed at point blank range with handguns.
The killing of deer does not protect anyone from the spread of Lyme Disease, as this is a multi-host tick. It's on birds and mammals, with mice and chipmunks being the primary hosts of larval ticks. Killing urban deer also does not reduce deer populations permanently, because of the rebound effect when surviving deer have more offspring and/or new deer move in the available habitat. Killing urban deer is brutal, costly, inefficient, unscientific and unethical.
Talking points...Let them know that you oppose this plan because:
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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