Stop BLM Wyoming Wild Horse Wipeout
Action Alert from


American Wild Horse Preservation
January 2014


Public Comment Deadline: January 10, 2014

Just over two years ago, the BLM captured and removed 1,000 wild horses from Divide Basin. Now the agency is again planning to use our tax dollars for another helicopter roundup that will terrorize and traumatize these animals.

Let's start 2014 - Year of the Horse - right by getting in thousands of public comments urging the BLM to consider alternatives to the proposed action and laying out the specific environmental and social impacts that must be analyzed before this action can begin to go forward.

Sign an online petition

And/or better yet, make direct contact:

Jay D'Ewart
Bureau of Land Management
Divide Basin Scoping Comments
BLM Rock Springs Field Office
280 Highway 191 North
Rock Springs, WY 82901
phone (307) 352-0331
[email protected]

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The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is about to embark on the next step in its devastating plan to wipe out nearly half of Wyoming's remaining wild horse population. The agency is seeking public comments on the proposed roundup of 164 wild horses from the Great Divide Basin Herd Management Area (HMA). The action begins the BLM's plan to eradicate wild horses from ("zero out") this important Wyoming HMA.

Just over two years ago, the BLM captured and removed 1,000 wild horses from Divide Basin. Now the agency is again planning to use our tax dollars for another helicopter roundup that will terrorize and traumatize these animals.The action is completely unjustified because the HMA is well within the allowable management level (AML) of 415-600 horses set by the BLM itself! The sole purpose of this roundup is to appease local ranchers who want all wild horses removed from the checkerboard portion of the HMA, an area that comprises nearly half of the HMA. (See below for more information.)

Let's start 2014 -- Year of the Horse -- right by getting in thousands of public comments urging the BLM to consider alternatives to the proposed action and laying out the specific environmental and social impacts that must be analyzed before this action can begin to go forward.

From BLM website:

Public Scoping Opens on Proposed Wild Horse and Burro Gather

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Rock Springs Field Office (RSFO) is launching a 30-day public scoping period prior to preparing an environmental analysis on a proposed wild horse and burro gather in the Divide Basin Herd Management Area (HMA).

Census flights in spring 2010 estimate there are slightly more than 1,000 wild horses and burros living in the Divide Basin HMA. The Divide Basin Appropriate Management Level (AML) is between 415-600 wild horses. The AML for the Divide Basin was established through an agreement with private land owners and wild horse advocacy groups, and confirmed in the Green River Resource Management Plan. The proposed gather would start after July 1, 2011 to remove nearly 600 excess wild horses, may include using fertility control, and adjusting sex ratios. More information is available on the BLM website.

Thank you for everything you do for animals!

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