Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
January 2014
The slaughter of 20,000 dolphins, porpoises, and small whales occurs in Japan each year. Starting on September 1st and continuing through March of the next year, fishermen herd whole families of small cetaceans into shallow bays and mercilessly stab and drown them to death.
This annual slaughter of dolphins was virtually unknown until 2003 when Sea Shepherd globally released covertly obtained film and photographs of the now infamous bloody “Cove” in a village called Taiji. Beginning in 2010, and continuing to this day, Sea Shepherd has an ongoing presence of volunteers standing watch on site at the Cove. They are The Cove Guardians.
With your help, we will continue to pressure Japan to end this cruel and destructive slaughter of dolphins. We are passionate, dedicated, and committed - it may take time, but determination will win for the dolphins in Taiji.
We can all make a difference. If you would like your voices to be heard, please contact the respective representatives to tell them the massacre must stop!
Please help us end this slaughter. Your opinion is important – apathy allows this barbaric “tradition” to continue.
Consider applying to be a Cove Guardian and joining our team in Taiji. This position requires dedication, time, and resources. You must pay for your travel, lodging, food, and all other personal expenses.
Application process:
Send e-mail to [email protected] and express your interest.
You will be sent an information packet that includes links to the Onshore Volunteer Application and a supplemental questionnaire for Cove Guardians.
You will submit that package either by electronic or physical mail.
You will be notified if you are selected and provided more detailed information to help you in booking your travels to and stay in Japan.
Spread the Word:
Follow Operation Infinite Patience on social media and share with your friends and family. Ask them to help us end this atrocity.
Cove Guardian Facebook
Sea Shepherd USA Facebook
Cove Guardian Twitter
Sea Shepherd USA Twitter
Educate others on the link between the captive dolphin industry and the Taiji dolphin slaughter. Please discourage your friends and family from visiting dolphinariums, aquariums, or participating in captive dolphin programs like “swimming with the dolphins”
Contact the Authorities:
Help us end the brutal Taiji dolphin slaughter by voicing your concerns to the authorities in Taiji as well as the Japanese Embassy, US Embassy to Japan, US and Japanese Ambassadors to the UN, and the US Senate members of the Committee on Foreign Relations.
Japanese Embassies Worldwide:
List of Embassies and Consulates-General in Japan
US Embassy in Japan:
Kurt Tong – Charge d’Affaires ad interim
Telephone: 011-81-3-3224-5000
Fax: 011-81-3-3505-1862
Send E-mail to the U.S. Embassy in Japan
Japanese UN Representatives:
H.E. Mr Kazuyoshi Umemoto – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
[email protected]
H.E. Mr. Jun Yamazaki – Deputy Representative of Japan to the UN
[email protected]
United States UN Representative:
Samantha Power - US Ambassador to the UN
Samantha Power's Twitter -
United States Mission to the United Nations Contact Form -
US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Wakayama Prefecture Office, Fishery Division:
[email protected]
Telephone: +81-73-441-3010
Fax: +81-73-432-4124
International Whaling Commission (IWC):
The Red House,
135 Station Road,
Cambridgeshire CB24 9NP, UK.
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 233 971
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 232 87
Email: [email protected]
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) / Convention on Migratory Species (CMP)
UNEP/CMS Secretariat
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53113 Bonn, Germany
Tel: (+49 228) 815 2401
Fax: (+49 228) 815 2449
Email: [email protected]
Mayor – Taiji Town Hall:
Telephone: +81-73-559-2335
Taiji Fishermen’s Union:
Telephone: +81-73-559-2340
Fax: +81-735-59-2821
Hotel Dolphin Resort/Dolphin Base:
Telephone: +81-0735-59-3514
Fax: +81-0735-59-2810
Japan Fisheries Public Content Form
WAZA: The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
[email protected]
IMATA: The International Marine Mammal Trainers’ Association
[email protected]
For more information, read
200 Bottlenose Dolphins Held a Fourth Night in Cove; 11 More Dolphins Taken Captive Yesterday
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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