Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests in California
Action Alert from


Project Coyote
April 2014


killiing contestsPlease join Project Coyote in calling on the California Fish and Game Commission (Commission) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CADFW) to prohibit predator killing contests statewide and to develop comprehensive regulations and policies to reform and modernize predator management in California.

Please send the letter below to California Department of Fish and Wildlife Director Charlton H. Bonham and to the members of the California Fish and Game Commission and share this petition far and wide!

Sign an online petition.

And/or better yet, make direct contact:

California Fish and Game Commission
P.O. Box 944209
Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
[email protected]

Director Charlton H. Bonham
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
1416 Ninth Street, 12th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]   


Killing predators - or any wild animal- as part of a ‘contest’ ‘tournament’ or ‘drive' is ethically indefensible, ecologically reckless, and contravenes new legislation (AB 2402) that Governor Jerry Brown signed into law requiring the Fish & Game Commission to use “ecosystem based management” and the best available science in the stewardship of California's wildlife.

Such wildlife killing contests have no scientific basis.


To: Director Charlton H. Bonham, California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Commissioners, California Fish & Game Commission

I strongly oppose California’s allowance of wildlife killing contests. Such contests offensive in their wanton waste of wildlife and disregard for the important ecological role of coyotes and other predators in maintaining ecosystem health and species diversity.

Bloodsport contests are conducted for profit, entertainment, prizes and, simply, for the "fun" of killing. Such contests perpetuate a culture of violence, sending a message to children that life has little value and that an entire species of animals is disposable.

I urge you to use your authority to prohibit wildlife killing contests in California and to set the trend for the nation by moving this great state toward more responsible, science-based, and ethical wildlife stewardship. It is time that the Commission and the Department develop comprehensive regulations and policies to reform and modernize predator management in California. These regulations and policies should reflect current science, conservation biology, and the ecological principles of ecosystem-based management as well as proven coexistence practices that are more likely to yield better outcomes for wildlife and people. Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation (AB 2402), which requires the agency to use “ecosystem based management” and the best science in its stewardship of California's wildlife. It makes good sense to start at the top —with the apex predators upon whose viability our entire ecosystem depends.

Thank you for taking my concerns into consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.


Thank you for everything you do for animals!

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