April 2014
[Ed. Note: Also read Activists Campaign to Empty the Tanks]
This is a day for everyone around the world to stand up against marine mammal captivity.
The abuse and exploitation of these sentient beings has no place in the 21st century.
Approximately 17 dolphin family members are killed for every one dolphin selected to sell for very large sums to $ea World, Marineland and all the other Marine Amusement Parks that hold cetaceans captive for our entertainment.
$ea World San Diego event
Saturday, May 24
event page
If there is no demand, there will be no Slaughter!
For the Dolphin Slaughter to end, people actually have to do Nothing! They
just have to NOT buy a ticket!
Dolphins & Whales
• There are currently 42 orcas being held captive worldwide.
• At least 136 wild orcas have been taken into captivity from the wild since
• 123 of these (or 90.4%) orcas are now dead.
• Orcas & Dolphins are self aware and have language.
• Dolphin calves call their mothers ‘by name’. Dolphin friends call each
other by name.
• Dolphins are altruistic. They will not leave a family member in distress
and have often rescued humans and other predator species
• Scientists say that due to their high intelligence and complex social
structure, dolphins should be designated as non-human persons with rights
• In the wild, Orcas live as long or longer than humans
In captivity, their lives are cut to less than half that.
• Dolphins live 25-50 years in the wild, but only average 5 yrs. in
• Dolphin sons never leave their mother’s side their entire lives
• Orca offspring never leave their mothers side their entire lives.
• Food is withheld from Orcas & Dolphins to ensure they perform
• Many are on medications their whole lives
• Orcas & Dolphins are forced to inbreed. Mothers often reject captive born
babies bred from close relatives.
• Wild Orcas swim up to 100 miles/day
• Wild dolphins swim up to 40 miles/day
It would take 5,000 endless circles per day to swim that far in a tank.
Captive dolphins who would swim 40 miles per day in the wild, hunting fresh
fish are confined to a tiny chlorinated pool & fed dead fish, destined to
entertain or ‘swim with’ humans to survive, never seeing their pod again.
Dolphin Sonar, a useful tool in the wild, disorients them as it bounces
off the concrete pool walls. It’s like living in a hall of mirrors. They
become neurotic and depressed and aggressively frustrated.
Three trainers have been killed by Orcas so far and numerous attacks have
been recorded.
Dolphins in captivity die from capture shock, pneumonia, intestinal disease,
ulcers, chlorine poisoning, and other stress-related illnesses. To the
captive dolphin industry, these facts are accepted as routine operating
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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