Exposing the Big Game
August 2014
Change.org petitions have successfully convinced other channels, like
National Geographic and the Discovery Channel, to cancel other violent
hunting shows. I'm sure with enough signatures, we can get NBC to listen.
Please join in asking NBC and it partners to cancel Shark Hunters! NBC
should not be glamorizing the killing of vulnerable sharks under the
pretense of "sport" or "sustainable fishing".
Email NBC Sports
[email protected]
Petition will go to:
The NBC Sports show Shark Hunters glorifies and promotes the killing of sharks, amazing animals already under pressure from overfishing, finning and environmental pollution. And all three of the species hunted on Shark Hunters are listed as "Vulnerable" by The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).
The show features three tournaments that give financial prizes for bringing in dead sharks from 3 species: mako, thresher and porbeagle. NBC should not be glamorizing the killing of vulnerable sharks under the pretense of "sport" or "sustainable fishing".
Programs like this not only glamorize shark hunting and killing but also make the whole action "OK". Sharks play an important role in our oceans and if we continue to hunt them, our ocean'ss health will continue to decline.
Change.org petitions have successfully convinced other channels, like National Geographic and the Discovery Channel, to cancel other violent hunting shows. I'm sure with enough signatures, we can get NBC to listen.
Please join me in asking NBC and it partners to cancel Shark Hunters!
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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