May 2015
Sign an online petition here - Al Gore: Offer Only Vegan Food at Live Earth!
“Serving animal products at events that are supposed to educate people on how they can fight climate change is hypocritical and undermines the effectiveness of people’s efforts to save the planet.”
The organizers of Al Gore’s upcoming Live Earth 2015 concert series say they have no control over what food is sold at the venues. But that response is doing nothing to appease Lila Copeland, a 13 year old activist who created a video letter to Mr. Gore and other organizers condemning the sale of meat at a global climate change event.
Live Earth organizers Al Gore, Pharrell Williams and Kevin Wall
“My supporters and I are telling you, not asking you, to . . . take animals and animal byproducts off the event menu, and tell event goers to take animal products out of their diets. Anything less is a slap in the fact to our Mother Earth, who you are killing one hamburger and one hot dog at a time. . . . There are so many delicious, gourmet and healthy meat alternatives you can sell at these events. Instead you ruin your opportunity for change.”
The six continent concert series, which takes place on June 18th, is being
staged to “shine a global spotlight” on climate change in advance of the
United Nation’s Climate Change Conference in Paris in December.
The musician Morrissey, who has banned the sale of animal products at NYC’s Madison Square Garden on the night of his concert in June, has also sent an open letter to Mr. Gore:
As you know, animal agriculture is a leading cause of climate change . . . responsible for a staggering 51 percent or more of global greenhouse-gas emissions. . . If you choose to serve animal flesh at Live Earth, you’ll be making a mockery of the very concept of the event . . . Serving meat and dairy products at an event to combat climate change is like selling pistols at a gun-control rally.
Morrissey sings "Meat is Murder"
This is not the first time that environmental activists have compromised the integrity of a high profile climate awareness event. At the People’s Climate March in 2014, the largest climate gathering in history with an estimated 311,000 participants, invited food trucks that sold meat, fish and dairy products to the post-march rally. Can environmental groups like and activists like Al Gore expect world leaders to take drastic measures to reverse climate change if even they can’t take the most basic one at their own events?
Climate March participants line up to buy meat and dairy products from food
Howard Lyman, a former cattle rancher who now speaks out against animal agriculture, is often quoted as saying, “You cannot call yourself an environmentalist and eat meat.” If Mr. Lyman’s words of wisdom don’t jolt the former Vice President into eliminating the sale of animal products at his climate events, then perhaps those of 13 year old Lila Copeland will: “Sorry, but we have to get real here . . . It is scientifically impossible to put an end to climate change without stopping animal agriculture.”
This "cow" was provided by
According to PETA, which has created a petition demanding that Al Gore and other organizers offer only vegan food at Live Earth concerts, “Serving animal products at events that are supposed to educate people on how they can fight climate change is hypocritical and undermines the effectiveness of people’s efforts to save the planet.”
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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