Born Free USA
August 2015
Below are six of the most important wildlife bills to urge your representative or senators to support.
Your legislators need to hear from you about important wildlife issues! During the month-long August recess, your representative and senators are back in their home offices, ready to meet with constituents—and it's a great opportunity to urge them to protect lions, elephants, primates, and other species!
Click here for a fact sheet (PDF) summarizing these bills that you can print out and bring to your representative or senators, and also use as your talking points for calls, emails, etc.
If you CANNOT schedule a meeting, contact your Senators and Representative directly:
Find and contact your U.S. Senators
Find and contact your U.S. Representative
An in-person meeting is much more effective than an email or phone call, so if you're able to visit your lawmaker's local office, please set up a meeting now! We have included a list of tips for arranging a meeting at the end of this email.
How to Arrange a Meeting with Your Elected Officials:
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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