Take Action to Stop Ag-Gag in Your State
Action Alert from All-Creatures.org


Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF)
August 2015


Kansas, Montana, North Dakota, Iowa, Utah, Missouri and North Carolina still have Ag-Gag laws. These unconstitutional laws threaten animal welfare, workers’ rights, food safety, and the environment. We need you to help us send a message to these states that they need to repeal their unconstitutional Ag-Gag laws rather than spending valuable taxpayer money defending them.

Send a brief message to lawmakers in Ag-Gag states that these laws will not be tolerated! Residents of Kansas, Montana, North Dakota, Iowa, Utah, Missouri and North Carolina will be routed to their state representatives, and people outside of these Ag-Gag states will be routed to the governors of all seven states.

Go to: http://org2.salsalabs.com/o/5154/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=21061

Thank you for everything you do for animals!

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