SHowing Animals Respect and
Kindness (SHARK)
August 2015
GOOD NEWS UPDATE September 2: We are overjoyed to announce that
Grace, the deer in Marlboro, NJ, who was shot in the face by a bowhunter,
has been tranquilized and had the arrow removed.
We want to thank all of you who have written, signed the petition, and
shared our videos of her and her fawn. The NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife
is absolutely pro-hunting and anti-deer, and what happened to Grace shows
exactly how brutal and inaccurate bowhunting truly is. The reality is, it
was only due to all the public and media attention that they were forced to
take immediate action.
Grace, sedated, after the arrow was removed
Last May, SHARK discovered that a deer in Marlboro, NJ, had been shot in the face by a bowhunter, and that she had been living with the arrow impaled in her face since last November. Our investigator found the deer, who we named Grace, filmed her, and we took her plight to the media in order to get her help.
See our video that updates her situation, including that she has given birth and is caring for her fawn, in spite of having an arrow still embeded in her face.
Action must be taken soon as Grace will most likely will not survive another winter with the arrow in her face.
Therefore please contact the
Director of NJ Fish and Wildlife and ask that they follow through as they
have promised to save Grace.
David Chanda, Director
N.J. Division of Fish and Wildlife
Mail Code 501-03
P.O. Box 420
Trenton, NJ 08625-0420
phone (609) 292-2965
fax (609) 292-8207
[email protected]
The NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife (FW), the state agency that has
power over NJ’s wildlife, had known about Grace from the start and had tried
to tranquilize her - but they failed. At the point we became involved, it
seemed clear that Grace was going to suffer for the rest of her shortened
life because of the injury.
This was unacceptable and we immediately began to organize people to get the
job done. We made contact with a professional animal control officer (ACO)
who wanted to tranquilize Grace and were all set to go - but FW refused to
let the ACO do the job because they said only they had the authority to
tranquilize wild animals.
One of the concerns was that Grace might be pregnant and they needed to wait
for her to give birth before tranquilizing her. Our priority at that point,
therefore, was documenting when Grace had given birth. And we did; in July
we filmed Grace and her beautiful fawn.
At this point, a local resident made contact with FW, who came out to her property and agreed to tranquilize her there. We also recently spoke with Anthony McBride, a principal biologist for FW, who assured us that they would help Grace within a couple of weeks, once the weather was better and the fawn able to survive on her own in case Grace did not survive the tranquilization.
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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