The Center for
Biological Diversity
August 2015
The Center for Biological Diversity filed a 2012 petition -- the largest of its kind in history -- seeking protection for dozens of our nation's rarest herpetofauna. In response to our petition, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is now considering whether 20 of these "herps" deserve protection under the Endangered Species Act.
With your help we can save the alligator snapping turtle -- the largest freshwater turtle in North America -- and the inch-long Illinois chorus frog, as well as these 18 other species.
Take action below -- urge the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to move quickly to protect these rare amphibians and reptiles.
AND/OR better yet, make direct contact:
Dan Ashe
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
[email protected]
The semipermeable skin of tiny Illinois chorus frogs, for example, continues to get doused with pesticides; beautiful Blanding's turtles are being snatched for the pet trade; and mountaintop removal mining is destroying habitat of the green salamander.
Nearly 1 in 4 amphibians and reptiles is at risk of extinction, yet only 67 of the nation's more than 1500 species protected under the Endangered Species Act come from these wildlife groups. Tell U.S. Fish & Wildlife to move forward now with the July 1 finding and do everything in its power to see that these animals get the best chance at recovery with protections under the Act.
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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