Ask Laval University to End the Use of Piglets in its Pediatrics Residency Program
Action Alert from


Physicians Committee
August 2015

[NOTE: Also read More Medical Centers End Animal Use]


The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston and the University of Utah have ended the use of animals in medical training programs! But there is still work to be done.

Please take a minute to ask Laval University Rector Denis Brière, Ph.D., to immediately replace the use of live piglets in his school's pediatrics residency program.

Sign an online petition here

AND/OR better yet, make direct contact:

Rector Denis Brière
(418) 656-3080
[email protected]

We have provided text for you on the petition, but if you decide to write your own message, please be polite and encouraging. Here are some talking points:

  • Please replace the use of live piglets in Laval University's pediatrics residency training with superior human-based methods.
  • Your university conducts the only pediatrics residency training in Canada using live animals.
  • Simulators like Laerdal's SimBaby and SimNewB, CAE Healthcare's Babysim, and Simulab's TraumaChild system are widely used for this training and can be used to immediately replace the use of piglets.
  • Please end this cruel and unnecessary practice immediately.

Message on the petition to Dr. Briere in French:

J'écris pour vous demander de cesser immédiatement l'utilisation de porcelets vivants dans le cadre du programme de résidence en pédiatrie de l'Université Laval. Vous avez, en tant que recteur de l'université, la responsabilité de vous assurer que celle-ci offre non seulement la meilleure éducation possible mais aussi la plus éthique. Les simulateurs médicaux tels que Simbaby et Sim NewB, de Laerdal, Babysim de CAE Healthcare, and TraumaChild de Simulab sont couramment utilisés pour cet usage.

La réalité est que l'Université Laval a le seul et dernier programme de résidence en pédiatrie au Canada à toujours utiliser des animaux. Je vous prie de vous assurer que des méthodes modernes et humaines d'éducation remplacent l'utilisation d'animaux pour ce programme.

English translation of message to Dr. Briere:

Subject: End the use of live piglets in Laval University's pediatrics residency program

I am writing to ask that you immediately end the use of live piglets in Laval University's pediatrics residency program. As rector, it is your responsibility to ensure that the university provides the best and most ethical education possible. Medical simulators such as Laerdal's SimBaby and SimNewB, CAE Healthcare's Babysim, and Simulab's TraumaChild system are widely used for this training.

In fact, Laval University has the only remaining Canadian pediatrics residency program using animals. Please ensure that humane, modern training methods replace the use of animals in this program.


Today, the only two facilities in the United States and Canada that continue using animals for pediatrics residency training are Laval University in Quebec City, Canada, and Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. These programs use live animals—including cats—to teach invasive procedural skills.

Thank you for everything you do for animals!

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