Sanctuary Northwest / Eyes on Apes
November 2015
Over a decade ago, Suburban Auto Group started airing commercials that exploited chimp "actors" for a cheap laugh. Eyes on Apes has repeatedly reached out to the Auto Group's Ford general manager since 2003, including just this week—yet the ads are still airing.
The chimpanzees used in these has-been, re-run commercials were leased by notorious trainer Sid Yost, who was documented punching, kicking, and striking chimpanzees with a mallet. This type of treatment is routine for chimpanzees who are still used in entertainment.
Erinn Sowle
Suburban Auto Group, General Manager
[email protected]
Suburban Ford
37000 Highway 26
Sandy OR 97055
Suburban Chevrolet
36936 Highway 26
Sandy OR 97055
Suburban Auto Group uses graphic designs of chimpanzees with wide toothy
grins, which looks like a human smile, but is actually called a "fear
grimace." It is appalling that Suburban Auto Group continues to use this
graphic after Eyes on Apes has repeatedly explained how it sends a harmful
message. Chimpanzees are an endangered species, deserving of our respect and
protection—not to be used as a cheap gimmick to sell cars. The rest of the
world is beginning to recognize these issues, but this car dealership seems
set on refusing to care or evolve.
Help us get Suburban Auto Group to understand that continuing to use these
commercials hinders conversation efforts and perpetuates the abusive and
dangerous entertainment and pet industry, and please send a polite and brief
letter to the company's general manager.
Your letters do work! A McDonald's France commercial with a chimpanzee actor
was pulled after they received feedback from Eyes on Apes supporters like
you and other advocacy groups. Great victory! We hope to see Suburban Auto
Group make the same progressive decision.
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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