Petition the US Justice Department to investigate US Senator James Inhofe's Pigeon Shoots
Action Alert from


SHARK Showing Animals Respect and Kindness
September 2016


Jim Inhofe, US Senator from Oklahoma, has held a live pigeon shoot fundraiser for 12 years. In 2014, SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) received a tip about the shoot from one of Inhofe’s own donors. A SHARK investigator attended the pigeon shoot and filmed it. 100's of pigeons are wounded, but not killed and are left to die a slow death in the surrounding countryside for days and weeks after the shoot.

inhofe pigeons
We found bands on the legs of some of the 29 injured birds we rescued, and from others that were left to rot on Inhofe’s killing field. We used the information on the bands to contact the former owners of the birds. These people appeared surprised or shocked that the bird they hand-raised were used as living targets.

Make no mistake: Inhofe has slaughtered pets for his disgusting and vile political fundraiser.

Sign an online petition.

And/Or better yet, make direct contact:

U.S. Justice Department
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Comment Line: (202) 353-1555
Online comment form


At the 2015 Inhofe pigeon shoot, someone in the Inhofe party illegally shot one of SHARK’s drone as it was filming the pigeon shoot.

After the 2014 shoot SHARK discovered that the land Inhofe used was federally owned and that it was illegal for Inhofe to have used that land for political purposes. The government also discovered that the site was also being used as an illegal canned hunt club and as an illegal garbage dump where toxic materials were being burned.

At the 2016 Inhofe pigeon shoot one of the attendees assaulted SHARK President Steve Hindi. Worst of all, Inhofe left dozens of wounded pigeons to die slow, excruciating deaths after the shoot. SHARK rescued 29 of Inhofe’s victims days later. Animal abandonment is a crime on top of the animal cruelty.

Neither Senator Inhofe nor any of his allies have been charged with a crime for their wrongdoings. Enough is enough!

We, the undersigned, demand that the US Justice Department immediately launch an investigation into Senator Inhofe’s actions and hold all responsible parties accountable. No one should be above the law, but right now Senator Inhofe is. That is not acceptable in a democracy.

Thank you for everything you do for animals!

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