Help Get Atrazine Banned
Action Alert from


Save the Frogs
October 2016


Do you support the use of pesticides that present potential chronic risk for amphibians? Are you disturbed that the EPA found levels of chronic concern for mammals were exceeded by as much as 198 times? We are mammals, so I'm sure you are at least slightly disturbed, given that Atrazine is the most commonly detected pesticide in U.S. groundwater, rainwater and tapwater, and the USDA detecting atrazine in 94% of American tap water samples.

ban atrazine

Take Action Today:

Please submit an official comment to the EPA before the October 5th due date.

Urge the EPA to take action on the findings of their Refined Ecological Risk Assessment For Atrazine and place an immediate ban on the use and production of Atrazine.


Do you want to drink Atrazine daily for the rest of your life? If not, please go submit an official comment to the EPA before their call for comments ends on October 5th.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released a 520-page document entitled "Refined Ecological Risk Assessment For Atrazine", which details extensive ecological harm caused by Atrazine, one of the world's most commonly used herbicides. In their 520-page report entitled "Refined Ecological Risk Assessment For Atrazine”, the EPA:

“presents the ecological risks posed by the use of the herbicide atrazine. Based on the results from hundreds of toxicity studies on the effects of atrazine on plants and animals...this risk assessment concludes that aquatic plant communities are impacted in many areas where atrazine use is heaviest, and there is potential chronic risk to fish, amphibians, and aquatic invertebrates in these same locations…EPA levels of concern for chronic risk are exceeded by as much as 22, 198, and 62 times for birds, mammals, and fish, respectively.”

Thank you for everything you do for animals!

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