SHARK SHowing Animals
Respect and Kindness
July 2017
Calf Injured, Cruel Jerk-Downs filmed at the 2017 Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo
CLICK HERE to watch the video.
Please call Coca-Cola and ask that they stop sponsoring the CFD and
animal cruelty:
The Coca Cola Company
PO Box 1734
Atlanta, GA 30301
(800) 438-2653
contact form
The severely injured calf is carted out of the arena and in front of the
Coca-Cola trucks
Please also don't support the other sponsors of the rodeo:
SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) is releasing video from the
Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo (CFD) of calves being jerked-down. Jerk-downs
are when calves are roped around the neck and purposely flipped over
backwards, crashed hard to the ground on their head, neck or back.
Jerk-downs are supposed to be banned, but as our video shows, the practice
happens regularly.
We also documented one calf who was roped and severely injured.
“Calf roping is dangerous even if they aren’t jerked-down,” states SHARK
President Steve Hindi. “These are young animals who are brutalized for
entertainment. What’s even more appalling is that even though that young
animal was clearly hurt, the roper ignored his suffering and continued the
run. It was disgraceful."
The fact that no rider who committed a jerk-down was disqualified proves
that CFD has no care for the rules they claim to follow, or for the animals
used in their rodeo.
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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