NARN Northwest Animal Rights Network
August 2017
Washington state is again killing wolves to protect cows that ranchers graze on public land. The campaigns against wolves are relentless and monied.
Contact Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Director Jim Unsworth to demand humane ways of dealing with the "issue" ranchers are dealing with.
Maybe they shouldn’t be grazing their animals on public lands?
Image © Jim Robertson,
Animals in the Wild
Jim Unsworth
PO Box 43200
Olympia, WA 98504-3200
(360) 902-2200
[email protected]
It comes in the wake of the Idaho Fish and Game Commission (IDFG) proposing to let hunters bait wolves, even though the state has 800 or fewer wolves and could drop below 150 if the proposal becomes reality, Project Coyote estimates. Hunters and trappers in Idaho already may kill up to 10 wolves per person each year, and IDFG regularly kills wolves accused of killing “livestock.”
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