Animal Defenders International
November 2017
ADI will be submitting a full response to the consultation, but the elephants need you to speak up for them too and before Friday 8th December!
The ONLINE CONSULTATION FORM CAN BE FOUND HERE and you can save a draft of your response until you are ready to submit. It will take about 10 minutes to complete.
AGREEMENT ON PERSONAL DATA: You will need to indicate
whether you are happy for your responses to be published with or without
your details and to be contacted.
SECTION A: You should include your personal information.
SECTIONS B AND C: These are aimed at the expert level, containing questions
for those who are involved in or study the ivory trade and elephant
populations. If you are interested in answering these questions, please
refer to the guidelines provided by Eurogroup for Animals and other
organisations available here else proceed to Section D and respond as
Question 1 Response: In the table, please select the following options:
Better enforcement of the existing EU regulations and guidelines for the
trade in ivory
Response: This should be pursued together with other priority actions
Educating and raising awareness on the existing EU regulations and
guidelines among ivory traders/customers to promote legal trade
Response: This should not be a priority
Banning all ivory trade to, from, and within the EU
Response: This should be the main Priority Action
Banning raw ivory trade to, from and within the EU
Response: This should be pursued together with other priority actions
Banning trade in ivory within the EU, with well-justified exemptions
Response: This should be pursued together with other priority actions
Banning (re-)export of ivory from the EU, with well-justified exemptions
Response: This should be pursued together with other priority actions
Question 2 Response: Option 5: Strongly disagree
Question 3 Response: Strongly disagree
Question 4 Response: Strongly agree
Question 5 Response: YES. The EU should ban all ivory trade.
Question 6 Response: None of the above – all ivory items should be
Question 7 Response: Skip to Question 8, unless you feel able to respond
using evidence
Question 8 Response: YES. The EU should ban all ivory trade.
Question 9 Response: None of the above – all ivory items should be
Question 10 Response: None of the above – all ivory items should be
Question 11 Response: Substantial positive impact
Question 12 Response: Substantial positive impact
The European Commission has called on the public to participate in a consultation to gather views on the ivory trade within the European Union and what actions should be taken against the illegal ivory trade.
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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