Write Letters to Politicians and Businesses Who Can End Seal Hunts in Canada and Namibia
Action Alert from All-Creatures.org


April 2018

Please take SOME action demanding the end of these atrocities! As of April 13, Canadian sealers have killed approximately 17,063 harp seal pups.


BAN SEAL HUNTS in Canada AND Namibia!

seal hunt
Image courtesy

Harpseals.org provides contact information and automated emails for Canadian AND Namibian politicians, government agencies  involved in killing seals or that can help end the seal "hunts."

As of April 13, Canadian sealers have killed approximately 17,063 harp seal pups.This figure does not include seals who were "struck and lost" (who probably bled to death).

seal hunt
Image courtesy

Canadian Government Leaders

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Justin Trudeau - Ottawa Office:

House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-995-0253
Fax: 613-947-0310

Constituency Office:

1100 Crémazie East, Suite 220
Montréal, Quebec H2P 2X2
Telephone: 514-277-6020
Fax: 514-277-3454

Email [email protected]

The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Dominic LeBlancOttawa Office:

House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-992-1020
Fax: 613-992-3053

Constituency Office:
328 Main Street, Suite I
Shediac, New Brunswick
E4P 2E3
Telephone: 506-533-5700
Fax: 506-533-5888

Email: [email protected]

Namibian Politicians / Government Officials

Namibia has authorized the killing of 80,000 - 85,000 Cape fur seal pups and 6,000 adult bulls (for their genitalia) for the past several years.

This barbaric massacre is perpetrated for the sake of employing about 100 unskilled workers for a few months and at the behest of the fishing industry (though it is not officially a cull, as that would require scientific evidence of its necessity for protecting fisheries).

Write to the President and other Namibian officials to demand an end to this slaughter.

Automated email form to send Namibia an email now: https://www.harpseals.org/help/letters_and_emails/namibia_email.php

SAMPLE LETTER sent by activist David Sickles

April 10, 2018

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau Office of the Prime Minister of Canada 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1A 0A2 613-992-4211 Phone
613-941-6900 Fax Emails: [email protected], [email protected]

Re: From One Liberal Progressive To Another.

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

When you were elected, we were thrilled at the prospect that Canada would finally go in a new and more humane direction on many fronts, including animal welfare.

This week marked the start of Canada's brutal commercial seal hunt, when hunters beat baby seals to death with clubs, skin the animals for their fur and leave the carcasses to rot on the blood-stained ice. Most of the helpless seals are younger than 3 months old and are killed in front of their screaming mothers.

Global sales of seal products have plummeted, with seal fur banned in the USA, EU, Russia, India and more. Yet Canada's government keeps the slaughter going with millions of dollars in subsidies.

It's high time to finally end Canada's brutal commercial seal hunt and spare innocent baby seals from being beaten and shot to death for profit. By continuing to subsidize commercial sealers, the Canadian government is directly contributing to animal cruelty and tarnishing the entire country's image to the rest of the world and it continues to be a worldwide pariah to the entire humane community.

We urge you to show that Canada is a compassionate and forward-thinking nation by cutting all funding and banning the commercial seal hunt for good.

We used to visit Canada year after year, but we stopped several years ago, as we and many of our friends could no longer spend thousands of tourist dollars in a nation that is supporting needless animal cruelty. We look forward to visiting again when the seal hunt ends.

It's time to stop the needless and barbaric killing!  Please.

Mr. David P. Sickles
[email protected]
Willoughby Ohio

skinned seals
Skinned seals - Image courtesy

Thank you for everything you do for animals!

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