ALDF Animal Legal Defense Fund
June 2018
Earlier this year, a Florida teacher gathered his students for a disturbing
lesson: they were going to kill two raccoons and an opossum that the teacher
had trapped. Dewie Brewton took a group of students outside, where he
lowered the animals — still in cages — into trash cans filled with water. He
even had the students use metal rods and garden hoses to drown a raccoon who
was fighting for her life. “It made me sick to my stomach,” a mother of one
of the students told the media. “It’s terrible. It still does make me sick
to my stomach.”
And yet Brad King, the state attorney assigned to the case, decided not to
file charges against Brewton, incorrectly stating that Florida law allows
for this kind of killing — even though veterinary professionals agree that
drowning is inhumane. This is unacceptable. We’re demanding that Florida
Governor Rick Scott reassign the case to another state attorney — as Florida
law allows — and we need your help.
Please sign our petition to Governor Scott right now so that we can send the
strongest message possible that animal abuse will not be tolerated.
If we can persuade the governor to assign the case to a new state attorney,
these tortured animals might get a second chance at justice. And
we’ll be making clear that animal cruelty should be punished in Florida.
And/OR better yet, make direct contact:
Office of Governor Rick Scott
State of Florida
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
(850) 488-7146
To Governor Rick Scott:
I urge you to reassign the case of Florida teacher Dewie Brewton from
State Attorney Brad King to another Florida State Attorney.
This is a case of extreme cruelty — both towards the animals who were
slowly, painfully drowned, and towards the children who were compelled to
witness and even participate in the abuse.
Justice demands that you reassign this case to another State Attorney who
can fairly and impartially evaluate and prosecute this case.
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Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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