Take Action to Extend Maryland's Moratorium on Cownose Ray Killing Contests
Action Alert from All-Creatures.org

FROM SHARK Showing Animals Respect and Kindness
February 2019


Legislation to indefinitely extend the moratorium on cruel cownose ray killing contests is moving through the Maryland State Legislature. It has already passed the MD State Senate Environment Committee and yesterday it was heard in the MD House Environment Committee.

SHARK's efforts and video documentation were vital to getting the original legislation for the moratorium introduced. Without it, this issue would not have gotten the attention it deserved. This was one of SHARK's many great accomplishments. Now we need to keep pushing to make sure these slaughters never happen again.

We are asking that you please immediately contact the members of the House Committee and ask them to pass the bill, HB0213.

You can contact members of the committee HERE. Please be polite and respectful.

When we found out about these slaughters, where pregnant rays and their
newborn babies where shot with arrows and beaten with bats, we went into action.


For more, read Prevent cownose ray bowfishing contests AND Cownose Rays Exonerated

cownose ray killing contest

Thank you for everything you do for animals!

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