Tell NPR: Bloodsport Enthusiasts Are Not Animal Experts!
Action Alert from

FROM UPC United Poultry Concerns / Free From Harm
December 2019


On Monday, December 2nd, NPR's popular radio show “Here and Now” featured a segment that sounded fascinating to us on the surface. The subject was animal behavior, specifically how different species prepare for and survive severe storms.

meat eaters

But then host Jeremy Hobson introduced the guest selected to "educate" us on animal behavior. “For more we're joined by Steve Rinella. He's an outdoorsmen and writer and the host of the Netflix show ‘MeatEater.’”

Say what, Hobson? You and your producers actually thought a celebrity hunter was some kind of expert on animal behavior, let alone an ethical, thoughtful choice of a guest to speak on this subject?!

It is mindblowing, outrageous, ignorant and insulting to our intelligence that NPR thinks a promoter of bloodsport can enlighten us about animal behavior and intelligence.

Please let NPR - “Listener-supported public radio” - know what you think!

Contact them through their website:


Leave a message on the "Here and Now" Facebook page: 


Send them a note:

NPR Headquarters
1111 North Capitol Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002


United Poultry Concerns Response to NPR:

Your recent show featured a blood-sport speaker on "Animal Behavior." This is like inviting a male stalker and abuser of women to speak as an "expert" on "Women's Behavior." This is why I do not support NPR with monetary contributions. NPR promotes animal abusers and animal abuse. How dare you people invite a man who stalks, terrorizes, injures, and kills animals for pleasure to speak about the animals he abuses as if he were some kind of "expert" on his victims. NPR is so eager to prove that, where animals are concerned, the network has no compassion or ethics.

Your "higher ground" is a pit where animals are concerned. I will never support you as current and historical agents of cruelty and abusiveness toward animals. Your desperate effort to appease "cowboy" culture and suburban humane-washing and food fetishism does not comport with your gloss of civility and concern for the planet.

– Karen Davis, United Poultry Concerns

Thank you for everything you do for animals!

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