Alyne Fortgang [Friends of Woodland Park Zoo Elephants] wrote this helpful step-by-step guide to create an email opposing a new bill in the Washington state senate that would allow zoos and aquariums to stop paying business and occupation taxes.
It’s a short session this time, so please send this email before January 30.
Send an email:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
The largest of the zoological venues that would benefit by being exempt
from the B&O tax is Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. Since 2002 it has taken
over $153 MILLION Dollars from Seattle taxpayers and about $61 MILLION
dollars from King County taxpayers. ENOUGH is enough.
In Supreme Court Case No. 92846 Fortgang v. Woodland Park Zoological
Society, the zoo argued that it “…is not administering public programs” It
is contradictory of Woodland Park Zoo to claim it doesn’t provide public
programs and then have its hand out for money claiming that it does. Did
Woodland Park Zoo lie to the Supreme Court or is it lying to the Ways and
Means committee?
In Supreme Court Case No. 92846 Fortgang v. Woodland Park Zoological
Society, the zoo argued and the Court accepted the Zoo’s own admission of
being a PRIVATE entity. Therefore as this private business it should live
within its budget and pay the B & O tax as other non-profits do.
If zoos are exempted from the B&O tax, the Department of Revenue estimates
the loss would be about $4 million through fiscal year 2025. These revenues
are needed for high priority issues. No tax exemption for these
entertainment venues.
The four organizations which stand to benefit from this tax exemption are
all in the Puget Sound region while the rest of Washington State loses funds
for priority issues. No tax exemption for entertainment venues. Let zoos and
aquariums live within their budgets.
Public support for zoos is falling. Woodland Park Zoo’s gate attendance has
declined over the past decade despite the population boom in the region. Let
the zoo live within it’s budget and shrink to accommodate fewer visitors.No
scientific, evidence-based research supports the Zoo’s time worn claim that
zoo visits produce statistically significant educational or conservation
gains. The Zoo industry’s own research shows this. The World Association of
Zoos and Aquariums conducted a survey in 2014 and found that people’s
willingness to protect wild animals or to protect wild habitat actually
DECREASED after a zoo visit. It’s time to reduce and eliminate tax payer
handouts! No B&O exemption for these entertainment venues.
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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