At a time of a global health crisis such as we are facing today, there has
never been a greater need for fast-moving and effective research. But it
must be human-relevant.
Less than 12 per cent of drugs entering clinical trials result in an
approved medicine, despite animal testing for safety and efficacy.
Your pledge of support for ethical research will be collated and sent to research institutions that have embraced non-animal methods, including Institute for In Vitro Sciences and STEMCELL Technologies.
Less than 12 per cent of drugs entering clinical trials result in an
approved medicine, despite animal testing for safety and efficacy.
This results in wasted lives, both human and non-human animal, as well as
squandered money, with the drug development process estimated to cost up to
$2.5 billion. Fortunately, there are humane and effective methods of
research that do not require animals. These include, but are not limited to:
epidemiology studies, computer-based techniques, human cell and tissue
cultures, tissue engineering and organ on a chip microfluidics.
On World Week for Animals in Laboratories 2020, anti-vivisection
organisations around the globe – Animal Justice Project, Humane Research
Australia, In Defence of Animals (United States) and the New Zealand
Anti-Vivisection Society – are joining forces in a positive way! We are
thanking the scientists that are fighting against COVID-19 without the use
of animals! You can stand united with us by signing our thank you letter to
those scientists below.
The scientists that are using valid and ethical models without animals are
blazing a trail, forging a better scientific future for all of us. They
deserve our thanks.
There are no vaccines for any of the coronaviruses that have caused
outbreaks in the past 20 years, in spite of extensive animal research. We
don’t have time to waste searching for the ‘best’ animal ‘model’. We don’t
need to find a treatment for mice, ferrets or baboons. It is time for
human-relevant research.
For more, visit Alternatives to Animal Testing, Experimentation and Dissection
Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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