Alternatives to Animal Testing, Experimentation and Dissection Articles from

Why Organ-Chips are Better at Modeling Human Diseases than Animal Testing

From Center for Contemporary Sciences CCS
March 2023

More sophisticated, ambitious and human-relevant ways to help Humans rather than torturing Animals.

Center for Contemporary Sciences

When it comes to modeling human diseases, MPS are exciting new frontiers.

These advanced research models are made possible by the convergence of many disciplines such as biophysics, regenerative medicine, electrical engineering and materials science. Using these systems, the scientific discovery process — from the development of new medicines to environmental health and safety testing — can be approached in more sophisticated, ambitious and human-relevant ways.

Table 1. A Dozen Reasons Why Micro-Physiological Systems (MPS) Like Organ-Chips are Better at Modeling Human Diseases

organ chips

Page 2:

organ chips

See Downloadable PDF of Table 1. including references HERE. 


organ chip
Organ chip...

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