It enables early-stage decision-making, reduces cost, improves time-to-market, and it offers advantages like accelerated testing, customization based on genetic profiles, and relevance to human physiology and eliminates the cruelty inflicted on animals.
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Artificial-intelligence company Quantiphi recently launched the
Digital Animal Replacement Technology (DART) which combines human
stem cells, a digital workstation, and artificial intelligence to
accurately predict drug safety without the ethical and scientific
problems of animal studies.
Global Leader in Healthcare and Life Science at Quantiphi, Bruno
Nardone, says of its advantages over animal testing:
“It enables early-stage decision-making, reduces cost, improves time-to-market, and it offers advantages like accelerated testing, customization based on genetic profiles, and relevance to human physiology.”
Now that Congress has passed the FDA Modernization Act, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies have a greater motivation and opportunity to advance non-animal drug testing methods.