Alternatives to Animal Testing, Experimentation and Dissection Articles from

German scientists devise new method to spare animals in cancer research

From CAARE Citizens for Alternatives to Animal Research
January 2023

CAARE: "Founded in compssion. Driven by science."


Each week, CAARE reviews news in health, science and medicine for powerful examples of compelling and effective research without animals. We are particularly encouraged to see news of scientists working actively to replace animals.

The first article discusses research out of Germany in which scientists utilized new tools like organ chips and 3D organoids to devise a replacement for a process normally requiring animals.

This week's report includes:

  • Exploring mini-labs as an alternative to animal testing for evaluating radiopharmaceuticals
  • Two separate eye diseases may contribute to common blinding eye condition
  • Blood-based markers may reveal Alzheimer disease ten years before symptoms show
  • Fewer cases of melanoma among people taking vitamin D supplements
  • Artificial pancreas successfully trialed for use by type 2 diabetes patients



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