In this section are copies of original works of art. All of them are dedicated to helping us live according to unconditional love and compassion, which is the foundation of our peaceful means of bringing true and lasting peace to all of God's creatures, whether they are human beings or other animals.
Images Copyright © Twyla Francois
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Originally from a small, rural community, Twyla connected with farmed animals from an early age. She has dedicated her life to advocating for them and has worked as the Canadian Head of Investigations for the international animal organization Animals' Angels, the Canadian-based organizations Canadians for Ethical Treatment of Food Animals and the Canadian Horse Defense Coalition, and most recently as Director of Investigations for Mercy For Animals Canada where she oversaw the completion and release of seven ground-breaking undercover investigations.
Her work as a farmed animal cruelty investigator has been the focus of numerous documentaries, including No Country for Animals (Global National), Bêtes à bord (CBC Radio-Canada), No Country for Horses (CBC National), Food for Thought (CTV W5), Cruel Business (CTV W5), Behind the Barn Door (CTV W5) and These Little Piggies (CTV W5).
Investigations conducted or overseen by Twyla have led to the closure of facilities, animal cruelty charges and convictions, corporate animal welfare policy reforms, government-commissioned research, rescues of abused and neglected farmed animals, and opening the hearts and minds of millions to the power of their food choices to create a kinder world.
Twyla has rescued and been fortunate to share her life with numerous farmed animals, including Wilbur, the pig she rescued off the highway after a trailer accident, Tara and Avalo, horses who were destined for slaughter, Marlene and Natalie, unsold chicks about to be stomped at a livestock auction, and Sophie and Katie, two injured and traumatized turkeys who escaped the catchers hired to load them for slaughter.
Recognizing that not everyone will be reached by graphic footage and photos, Twyla's art seeks to raise awareness on the plight of today's farmed animals in a more gentle, but hopefully equally compelling, way.
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