An Animal Rights Article Series from
Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle
Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans,
animals, and the environment.
Table of Contents
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Recent Additions
Article Series
- 3 Reasons to Inspire a Vegan Mother's Day
- 5 Reasons to Skip Turkey this Thanksgiving
- 5 Reasons Why a Factory Farm Owner Became an Animal Rights Activist
- 5 Ways Veganism Transformed My Life
- 8 Tips to Be Plant-Based When Your Spouse Is Not
- 10 Questions: Vegan Foodie with Áine Carlin
- 10 Questions: Vegan Rockstar with Anna Ferguson
- 10 things every vegan knows (that you may not)
- 10-Year-old Girl and Her Grandpa Given First Ever 'Homo Ahimsa' Award for Their Vision of a Vegan World
- 13 Reasons Why I am No Longer a Vegetarian...
- 14-year-old Works to Bring Vegan Meals to Los Angeles School Cafeterias
- 15 Years Later, the Cow That Shattered My Carnism and Veganized My Soul
- 19 Delicious Recipes Using Vegan Honey Alternatives
- 20 Reasons Not to Go Vegan
- 20 Years Vegan: Jo-Anne McArthur Reflects on What it Means to Her
- 30 (more) Reasons to Try Veganism
- 52 Words for Tofu
- 75 Selected Winning Essays: 'I'm A Vegan'
- 80 years of The Vegan
- 100 Recommended VEGAN Products
- 100 VEGAN Shop Signs Worldwide - 'What the World Needs Now'
- 101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian
- 2016 Declared Vegan Awareness Year by Eugene, Oregon Mayor
- 2017 - and here we are
- Abu Al Alaa Ahmad ibn Abdullah Al Maari: A Medieval Advocate for Veganism
- Actions and consequences. A ‘meal deal’ with a side of honesty.
- Agenda for a New America - "The Politics of Vegetarianism"
- A Carnivore-Turned-Vegan Author Reveals Cruelty-Free Fast Food Secrets and the Government's Nutritional Lies
- A Change of heart: From sheep farmer to animal rescuer
- A Cherokee Plant-Based Perspective
- A Demented Woman (Do Unto Others...)
- A different kind of midlife crisis: Safe Haven Farm Sanctuary
- A Feeling of Home
- A Follow Up To Our Four Night Vigil
- A Greater Work
- A Healthy and Compassionate Life!
- A Letter to Those Still Eating And Wearing Animals
- A Life Connected
- A Light Inside
- A Lost Opportunity
- A Love Letter to You
- A Mark Hawthorne Ethic
- A Meaningful Life: Animal Advocacy, Human Nature, And A Better World
- A Model of the Perfect Vegan
- A Moment of Silence for Donald Watson, Founder of The Vegan Society
- A Musing All-Vegan School Cafeteria
- A 2016 New Year's Message from Gentle World
- A New Year's Resolution That Makes Sense: Introducing 'The Pushy Vegan Campaign'
- A Note on 'I Can't vs. ' Choose'
- A Philosophy of Vegan Values
- A Plant-Based Lifestyle Isn't Radical, It's Urgent and Simple
- A plea to shoppers
- A Rebuttal to Matt Ball's Vegan Bash
- A Reflection on Animals, Nature and the Human Condition: A One Health For One Earth Manifesto
- A Response to ''egan Purists' and 'Vegan Police' Who Criticize Vegans with Non-Vegan Cats
- A Vegan in a Non-vegan Tattoo Parlor, What Do You Do?
- A Vegan Parable
- Abolitionist Veganism as a Single Issue Campaign
- About Being an LGBTQ Resource Nurse and Animal Rights Activist
- About The Invisible Vegan
- About the words we use: 'waste'
- About words and so much more
- Actress Portia de Rossi's A-ha Moment That Made Her a Vegan
- Actually, I'm Not Really Compassionate
- Advocating for Food Justice During a Pandemic: lauren Ornelas Speaks Out
- African Americans: Leading the Vegan Trend
- After 800 Years of Slaughter, UK’s Largest Meat Market Goes Plant-Based
- Ahimsa in a Brazilian Steakhouse
- ALL Non-vegan Food Involves the Killing of Baby Animals
- (Almost) Eight Examples of How Today' Vegans Are Spoiled Rotten (and Why that' a Good Thing)
- An Avian Activist’s contribution to International Respect for Chickens Month
- An Amazing Education Program that Will Inspire You
- ANDA Interview with lauren Ornelas, Food Empowerment Project
- An Easy Conversion
- An Evolutionary Case for Veganism
- An Exciting Future for Food for Life Global
- An Experiment with Vegan Living Leads to New Way of Eating
- Angela Davis
- Angela Yvonne
- An Inconvenient Diet
- An Interview with Farmer Brown
- An Irrefutable Truth
- An Open Letter to Jennifer Finney Boylan and Other Pre-Vegan Friends
- An Open Letter to the Leaders of the Progressive Movement [veganism]
- Animal
- Animal-based Diets in Ghana Responsible for Frequent Ailments
- Animal Place Sanctuary's Guest House
- Animal Rights Vegan Guilt
- Animal, Vegetable, Science, Ethics: Interview with Jonathan Balcombe
- 'Animals Are For Loving, Not Chewing'
- Animals are not 'ours'
- Mission Statement
- Announcing UPC's Conscious Eating Conference 2020 Videos
- Another Texas Cattle Ranch Goes Vegan
- Answers To the Top 10 Questions I Am Asked as a Vegan
- Are Nice Vegans Making Us Look Bad?
- Are Vegans the Sons and Daughters of God for Whom the Whole of Creation Eagerly Awaits?
- Are Vegans Vegetarians? (Part 1)
- Are Vegans Vegetarians? (Part 2)
- Are Vegans Vegetarians? (Part 3)
- Are Vegans Vegetarians? (Part 4)
- Are Vegans Vegetarians? (Part 5)
- Are We Violent By Nature?
- Are Your Condoms Vegan?
- A Special Feature on Animal Sanctuaries with Vegan Education
- As We Should Be
- As We Sow, So Shall We Reap
- Almost Gave Up Veganism for "Happy" Organic Pastures
- A Saner Way
- At last, the YANKEES!
- A Vegan Behind the Scenes of the Envigo Beagle Rescue
- Awakening from Materialism: Vegans as Healers
- Back to Eden
- Bakery Turns Vegan Overnight After Watching Earthling Ed's Video On Dairy Industry
- Becoming a Vegetarian 51 Years Ago: Thanks to Amanda
- Beef And Dairy Farmer Turned Vegan Regrets 'Being Complicit For So Long'
- Be Fair, Be Vegan
- Be Fair Be Vegan - Cleveland
- “Be Kind, It’s Easy”
- Being absolutely clear
- Being A Vegan Kid
- Being Fair Means Going Vegan
- Being Vegan at Work - A Series of Landmines or an Opportunity?
- Being vegan goes beyond making ethical food choices
- Being Vegan in a Speciesist World
- Being Vegan - So What If We Did This?
- Beyond Carnism - FAQ's
- Beyond Herdism
- Beyond Meat's Chief Growth Officer, Chuck Muth
- Beyond I'm Not Vegan Anymore'Beyond meat: The end of food as we know it?
- Big Bald Mike
- Big Bang Theory�s Mayim Bialik Encourages Busy Families to Thrive, Plant-Based
- Big Tent Vegetarianism
- Black Vegans Rock: Aiyana
- Black Vegans Rocks (BVR) Interview with Chef Babette
- Black Vegans Rock: Cametria Hill
- Black Vegans Rock: Clara Holmes
- Black Vegans Rock: Kenn Bo Cobb
- Black Vegans Rock: Michael Ofe
- Black VegFest To Debut In New York This Summer
- Blind Faith When Sharing Veganism
-'s Review of Netflix's "The Bad Vegan"
- Brazilian School Districts Pledge to Make Historic Switch to 100% Plant-Based Meals
- Bullying - an analogy
- Busting Myths About Veganism: Part One
- Busting Myths About Veganism: Part Two
- Butcher Of 15 Years Goes Vegan After Watching 'Earthlings'
- But I LOVE cheese!
- Butterflies Katz leaving social media
- But we breed animals for the purpose of eating them, and using their milk, eggs, etc. Isn't that what they're for?
- Calling on Highest Decency
- Campus Dining: Nourishment, Stress-Relief, and Performance
- Can Animal Rights and Vegetarianism (Veganism) Succeed Without Church Support?
- Can't, Won't or Don't?
- Caoimhe - Before I Knew You...
- Caring for Creation
- Carl Lewis on Being Vegan
- Carnivore Diets, Vegan Diets, and Pseudoscience
- Cattle Ranch Goes Vegan: Rowdy Girl Sanctuary
- Change in the Direction of Vegan Advocacy
- Chef Charity Morgan's Plant-Based Meals are a Hit with NFL Players
- Chefs Revamp Texas Culinary Scene One Vegan BBQ Sandwich at a Time
- Chris
- Christian Abstinence and Vegetarianism: An Historical Overview
- Christianity, Animals, and The Concept of Sin
- Christina Pirello Interview
- Christopher 'Soul' Eubanks
- Church Silence Promotes Violence - Article Series
- Circles of Compassion: Connecting Issues of Justice
- Circles of Slavery and Liberation
- Claudine Erlandson - A Shining Light for Animals
- Clean Meat Is Not Vegan - But It Could Help End Factory Farming Forever... Should vegans support this emerging technology?
- Cognitive Dissonance: Why Won't They Go Vegan?
- Collateral Damage
- Colonization and Diet: Why Plant-Based Diets are Nothing New
- Colorado Welcomes A New "Mega Ranch" - With No Animals
- Coming Out as Gay, Coming Out as Vegan
- Common Arguments Against Veganism Answered
- Compassion and kindness; not what we need to ask for
- Compassion for All Beings: More Important Than Ever
- Compassion is Patriotic: Go Vegan
- Compassion for Sale? Doublethink Meets Doublefeel as Happy Meat Comes of Age
- Compassion for Pigs: Salvation for Humans
- Compassion, kindness and love
- Compassionate Choices
- Completed Veganuary? How To Live Vegan All Year
- Concept is a game... Compassion is not
- Confessions of a Vegan Evangelist
- Connecting Feminism to Animal Advocacy and the Importance of Widening Our Activism Circles
- Consider the Oyster
- Conscious Choices: The Rise of Vegan Treats, Plant-Based Alternatives, and Sustainable Packaging in the UAE
- Considering 'Vegan Privilege'
- Cool Product: Vegan and vegetarian answer cards available
- Cory Booker Fires Back at Ridiculous Claim that a Vegan Can't be POTUS
- Could COVID-19 Reboot Humanity?
- Could Going Vegan Become Your Path to Happiness?
- Could veganism end world hunger?
- Countering the Stereotype
- Cowspiracy Spreading the Vegan Virus?
- Creating a Hierarchy of Concern only Replicates Systems of Inequality and Systems of Privilege
- Crocodile tears - getting under our skin
- Cuisine With a Cause
- Cultivating a Veg Future by Supporting Vegan and Vegetarian Businesses
- Dairy Farm becomes Sanctuary AND Makes Vegan 'Ice Cream' Cakes
- Daiya, Animal Testing, and the Meaning of "Vegan"
- DanDann
- Dangerous Intersections at Sochi � An Olympian Speaks
- Dayna Patik
- Dealing with Carnistic Defenses: 'All This Talk About Animals Is Making Me Hungry for a Juicy Steak!'
- Dealing with Co-workers: A Vegan Guidance Counselor in a School Full of Omnivores
- Dealing with doctors as a vegan
- Dear Animals
- Dear Vegetarian
- Defend the innocent, join the dots
- Defining Veganism (And My Dinner Date with a Big Game Hunter)
- Defining veganism in light and shadow
- Dick Gregory, 50 years a vegan activist, dies at 84
- Diet
- Dietary Pacifism? Stanley Hauerwas and Christian Vegetarianism
- Different Drummer Dining
- Differing Empathy In Vegetarians, Vegans, And Omnivores
- Dispelling the myth that eating vegan is expensive
- Dissonance"
- 'Doctors Can and Should Care About Anyone's Suffering - An Interview With Dr. Aysha Akhtar
- Doctors Said If He Wanted To Live, He'd Have To Eat Like a Cow
- Does Emu Oil 'support your passion for wellness to change the world'?
- Does 'Street Feeding' really keep people homeless?
- Doesn't becoming vegan mean others will see me as extreme? Will I be isolated from my friends and family?
- Do it For Others
- Donald Vincent is Working on Finding the New Normal
- "Do you mind that we eat meat?"
- Don't be on the BLIND side... Be on the KIND side
- Do You Really Want to Go Back to 1995?
- Do YOU Want to Make a Difference?
- Does veganism really make a difference?
- Dog and Cat Food - Article Series
- Dominion Chinese Premiere Sells Out As Vegan Movement Grows
- Donating Food Takes Thought
- Donna Zeigfinger, Founder of Green Earth Travel
- Don't Mock My Lentils: Vegans May Get Discrimination Rights
- Don't welfare regulations protect animals from unnecessary cruelty?
- Dragons Den's Deborah Meaden To Help Dairy Farmer Switch To Plant Milk Production
- Dr. Clare Anyiam-Osigwe, founder of Premae Skincare
- Dr Jane Goodall Says 'Think Before You Buy' To Protect Animals And The Planet
- Dr. Milton Mills: On Being a Black, Vegan Doctor in Trump’s America
- Dr. Richard Greggory Johnson III
- Dr. Russell Elleven
- Early Christian Vegetarians
- Eating Animals: Our 'Choice'?
- Eating Green: It's Not Just for Hippies Anymore
- Eating Matters
- Eating the Ethical Way
- Eating Vegan: The Only Way To Preserve Our Rights
- Eating Vegan at Ethnic Restaurants
- Ebiye Jeremy Udo-Udoma
- Ecofeminism and Climate Justice - Interview with Greta Gaard
- Egg-free Living: Navigating Veganuary with Sarah
- Embracing a Vegan Diet: Health Benefits, Challenges, and Expert Recommendations from UAE
- Ethical Consumption
- Ethical Hedonist Veganism
- Ethiopian School Nutrition and Health Program
- Ethiopian Vegan Association Inaugural Event in Addis Ababa
- Eulogizing Anthony Bourdain
- EVEN Interview with Vegan Dessert Chef Fran Costigan
- EVEN Interview with Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
- EVEN Interview with Dan Piraro
- EVEN Interview with Ellie Laks
- EVEN Interview with Fiona Oakes, Vegan Athlete, Activist, Altruist
- EVEN Interview with lauren Ornelas
- EVEN Interview with Gary Yourofsky
- EVEN interview with Jim Mason
- EVEN Interview With Matt Bear
- EVEN Interview with Dr. Neal Barnard
- EVEN Interview with Michael Klaper, MD
- EVEN Interview with Orestes Gutierrez, D.O.
- EVEN Interview with Patrick McDonnell
- EVEN is Excited to Introduce
- Evolution Of A Veg*n Advocate: Vegans and Animal Suffering
- Ex Pig Farmer: "Veganism Is The Future Of Farming"
- Failed Species: The Rise and Fall of the Human Empire
- "Fake News" Story Targets Vegan Supermarket Chain
- False Friends and the Five Dimensions of Health
- Farmer Gives 20 Lambs To Sanctuary As He Can't Face Slaughtering Them
- Farmer's Son Says No More To Killing Animals!
- Farm-To-Table - Chef Zu
- Feelings...
- Festive thoughts, six years on
- Find Out What's Cooking at Yankee Stadium
- First Vegan Ad Campaign in Ireland
- First Meeting of Vegans/Vegetarians in Albania
- Fit Over 70 and Still Going Strong
- Five Myths About Vegans
- Five Things to Know About Veganism
- Food Empowerment Project 2019: Much to be Proud of
- Food For Life and Dairy
- Food For Thought
- Food labels – choosing our battles – the peril of ‘plant-based’
- Food Not Bombs 2012 Victories
- Food Not Bombs Heads to Nigeria
- Food Not Bombs World Gathering 2016 - Tijuana
- Food Politics and Veganism: A Menu for Social Change
- Foodstyles: The Missing Link in Plantbased Proselytizing
- Foodies, Feds and Factory Farms: Why We Need Vegans Now More Than Ever
- Foot in the Door to Nowhere?
- For all the vegetarians on the fence...
- For Vegans, Field of Dreams = Field of Jeans!
- Former Meat Lover Turns Ranch Into Animal Sanctuary
- Former NBA Player John Salley Creates a Better Life
- Forward to Eden
- Four Lessons I Learned After Becoming Vegan
- Four Simple Steps for Transitioning to a Vegan Diet
- Friday essay: on being an ethical vegan for 33 years
- From Beef and Dairy to Veganic Cereals
- From Cheese Addict to Vegan Educator
- From Compassion to Consumption: Veterinary Ethics and Veganism
- From Dairy Farmer to Vegan Advocate: Pamela Ziemann - Remarkable Transformation
- From Farmers To Vegans: 'We Made the Connection and Felt Sick'
- From the Mouths of Babes
- Fur-Free and Non-Animal Winter Wear
- FutureChefs: Putting A Vegan Stamp On It
- Future Shock
- Gentle World: We Got There! We Made It!
- George Eisman RIP
- Giving back just a little to help right an injustice
- Giving Yourself Permission
- Global Attempts To Ban 'Meaty' Labels On Plant-Based Foods Aren't Working
- Going beyond Meatless Mondays: Gradually or cold Tofurkey
- Going to an NFL Game? Tasty Plant-Based Menu Options Await
- Going Vegan: A Local Look Into the No-meat Movement
- Going Vegan in Vienna � at 90!
- Going Vegan is the New Way Of Life: Find out why!
- Going Vegan: The Cognitive & Emotional Precursors to Behavioural Change
- Going Veggie: A Twelve-Step Program
- Google Confirms: Veganism on the Rise
- Go Vegan!
- Go Vegan or Die
- Go Vegan World Campaign
- Go Vegan World launches in West Midlands, England
- Greg Willybiro
- Green Party, Extinction Rebellion and Others: Stop Ignoring the Vegan Solution
- Grief and Veganism
- Growing Older Isn’t Easy. Especially in a Pandemic. But It’s Better If You’re Vegan
- Guardian Takes Editorial Position: And It's Pro-Vegan
- Handling Anger Toward Pre-Vegans
- Halloween - a spooky tale
- Happy 75th Birthday Patty Mark!
- Happy Birthday, Veganism
- Happy New Year?
- Happy Thanksliving 2020
- Have yourself a humane holiday
- Heading in the direction of being vegan
- Heal the Climate? Heal the System. An Interview with Sailesh Rao, PhD
- Helping Foodservice Managers at MLB and NFL Stadiums
- Help Wild Horses Keep Our Spirits High
- Help! My kid's gone vegan! - A guide for non-vegan parents of vegan teens
- Help stop avian virus by going vegan
- Herbivores Unite
- Higher scores for IQ in childhood are associated with an increased likelihood of vegetarianism in adulthood
- Hold up a candle to light the way of compassion
- Holidays, Happiness, and Being Vegan
- Home Run Hitter Vegges Out Full Time
- Honor Your Values
- Hoofin' It Up with the Humane Society
- "House of Vegan" CEO Sheds Light on Dubai's Increasing Embrace of Plant-Based Lifestyles
- How Avoiding Statins Led to a Show Called The Big Fat Truth
- How can I convince my boyfriend to give up meat?
- How Co-option of Grass-Roots Activism Played Out in Kansas City's First VegFest
- How Do We Best Promote Veganism? - A Psychologist�s Perspective
- How Do You Respond to 'Veganism is Extreme'?
- How Examining My Whiteness Brought Me to Animal Rights
- How I Became a Happy Vegan Black Sheep
- How I Reconcile Intuitive Eating and Veganism
- How I Sparked...Travel - Vegan Style
- How Little it Takes to Be a Thoughtful Citizen
- How Many Vegans Are There?
- How the Family Farm Brought Two Cousins to Plant-Based Eating
- How to be Vegan author Elizabeth Castoria
- How to Break Your Vegan Resolution
- How To Create A Virtuous Circle In Your Life By Going Vegan
- How to Encourage Christians to Become Vegan
- How To Go Vegan
- How to Go Vegan and Stay Vegan
- How to Shoot a Cow in the Head… and Other Unhelpful Suggestions
- How will history judge you?
- How would it be possible to grow enough fruits, vegetables and grain for everyone to be vegan when so many people are starving already?
- Human Vegan Rights
- Humans do not need to consume animal flesh, organs, or bodily secretions to be happy and healthy
- Hunter Goes Vegan: 'I Love Animals And Don't Want To Hurt Them Anymore'
- Hunter Who Shot Rabbits At Age 7 Goes Vegan After Seeing Pigs In Truck
- I am the Walrus
- I Am a Vegan. I Love Being a Vegan
- I am living proof that change is possible!
- I Believe There is Hope
- I Can't Believe I'm Still A Vegan
- I didn't feel like an ally
- I didn't know what I had been missing
- I Knew Something Wasn' Right
- I only eat free-range, cage-free, and locally-raised animal products. Isn't that good enough?
- I Never Expected Revelation
- I never really believed in hell until I went vegan
- 'I Prioritize Human Problems' - 7 Reasons to Go Vegan Anyway
- I'd Love to Change the World
- Identifying as a Vegan
- Idle Thoughts About Vegetarianism
- If I had only known...
- If Not Now, When? If Not You, Who?
- If the whole world became vegan, what would happen to all the animals already on farms? Wouldn't they overrun the planet?
- If We Were They
- If you are an animal lover
- If You Love Pets, Why Do You Eat Pigs?
- Imagine - If All Humans Were Vegan
- I'm already a vegetarian, and I avoid products that involve extreme cruelty, such as veal and foie gras. Isn't that enough?
- "I'm not vegan but I love animals"
- I'm Thankful I'm Not a Turkey
- Indian Startup Creates Vegan and Eco-Friendly Wool Using Plants - Weganwool
- In memory of friends
- In Much Wisdom There Is Much Grief
- In NYC, Hundreds Stage Dramatic Memorial Service for Animals
- In the inferno – thoughts about selective empathy
- Injustice and Empathy: My Path to Veganism
- Inn That Went Vegan for Veganuary Will Be Permanently Vegan
- In Solidarity
- Inspiring veganism
- Inspiration from a Vegan Nurse
- Inspirations from China and Asia
- Intention Does Matter
- Intelligent Allah
- International Fund for Africa (IFA) Welcomes Dawn Moncrief and Jo-Anne McArthur to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Interview With a Vegan - Part I
- Interview With a Vegan - Part II
- Interview with Anne-Marie Campbell: Vegan Black Belt
- Interview with Dawn Moncrief
- Interview with Director and Producer of "HOPE What You Eat Matters"
- Interview with Dr. Michael Klaper
- Interview with Freya Dinshah
- Interview with Robert Grillo
- Interview with London Vegan Actions� Jane and Phoebe Frampton
- Interview with Victoria Moran
- Interview with Julia Butterfly Hill
- Interview with Marc Pierschel, author and director of The End of Meat
- Interview with Rachel Ziegler, Direction Action Everywhere (DxE)
- Interview with vegan bodybuilder LaQuesha McClain
- Interview with Will Tuttle, Ph.D.
- In the Battle for Hearts and Minds, Vegans Launch a Volley
- Ireland: The Land of Meat, Dairy, And...Vegans?
- I Remember Going to the Barn at Night
- Is Being a Vegetarian Important?
- Is Being Vegetarian Enough?
- Is it Actually Possible to Go Vegan Overnight?
- Is it Ethical to Eat Eggs or Dairy from Backyard Animals?
- Is It Hard To Be Vegan?
- Is it Really Hard to Stop Hurting Animals?
- Is There Logic To The Forbidden Fruit?
- Is Offering a Food Choice (Meat or Vegetarian) Always Politically Correct?
- Is the Sixth Commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill" or "Thou Shalt Not Murder?"
- Is this 13-Year-Old More Ethical Than You?
- Is Toothpaste Vegan? The Animal Ingredients You Might Be Putting In Your Mouth
- Is Your Beer or Wine Vegetarian?
- Isn’t It Time We Extended Our ‘Bubble’ To Include Sentient Pigs?
- It Seems Impossible, But I Guess I'm a Vegan Purist
- It’s the Golden Rule Thing to Do
- I've Been Struggling Lately
- I Was Wrong
- I Will Always Be Vegan - Richard Schwartz
- Jamar
- James and Suzy Cameron Want To Save The Planet
- Jasmin Singer: Always Too Much and Often the Exact Right Amount
- Jay Wilde: A Story of Human and Animal Liberation
- Jenny's Aha Moment
- Joaquin Phoenix Brands Animal Agriculture 'Absurd And Barbaric'
- Joaquin Phoenix on Huge New Animal Justice Campaign: 'Now More Than Ever, the World Needs to Hear This Message'
- Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals
- Joyless Eating
- Judy Brangman, M.D.
- Just Asking... Alicia Silverstone
- Justice For All: Be the Change
- "Just Say No" Revisited
- Karl H., New Black Vegan
- Kawani AJ Brown
- Keeping Animal Bones Out of Sugar
- Keeping Matilda's Promise
- Kenna, Vegan Her Entire Life
- Kevin Black
- KFC's Vegan Sandwich Hits Home with Canadian Hockey Player
- Kids Go Vegan!
- Kimberly B.
- Kindness Always
- Kush
- Lacresha Berry
- Laraque Happy to Veg Out
- Last call for planet Earth
- Last Words on Anthony Bourdain and His "Vegan" Fan Club
- Lean and Green Kids
- Learning Lessons
- Leave Your Biology Out of My Morality
- Leaving No Stone unTurned
- Lebanese Vegans
- Lessons I Learn from Animals
- Letter to Friends and Family about Food at Get-Togethers
- Letter to Those Still Eating And Wearing Animals
- Letter To a Young Matt Ball...from Matt Ball 2009
- Let's Bring This to Critical Mass
- Let's Create a New Normal of Nonviolence
- Let's Make Peace on Our Plates in 2014
- Let's Stick with Veganism
- Lezlie M.
- Liberating Children Through Veganism
- Life as a Vegan Abolitionist: Spotlight on Dallas Rising
- Life With or Without Bacon is Possible
- 'Livestock'
- Lighthearted in the Country
- Likelihood of Animals Having Souls and Spirits Spurs Growing Interest In Vegetarianism
- Lional and Tiffany Dalton
- Lisa's Reaction to Seeing Earthlings
- Little Moments, Lifetime Memories at Camp Kindness
- Living a Lie
- Living As God Originally Intended
- Living in a land of make-believe
- Living Together... Without Meat
- Liz Dee Unwraps Story Behind Vegan Smarties
- Looking at language: Pests
- Love For All Animals
- Loving Animals Is Good for Us
- Lynn Gorfinkle - In Memoriam
- Main Street Vegan Academy � An Alumna�s Perspective
- Major and Minor League Baseball Vegan Options Making News
- Major Bag Designer Ditches All Leather To Use Vegan Pinatex Instead
- Major Food Company BOL Ditches Dairy To Become 100% Plant-Based
- Major UK Supermarkets Ramp Up Vegan Offerings To Meet Growing Demand
- Making a Stand: Veganism, A Truth Whose Time Has Come
- Making Peace with Food Choices in the New Year
- Maneka Gandhi's article on Philip Wollen
- Marco Antonio Regil
- Marq Taylor
- May You Never Be Ignored
- Meat, Eggs, and Dairy as Metaphors of our Predicament
- Meet 7 Meat and Dairy Farmers Who Switched to Plants Instead
- Meet the Creator of the Biggest Vegan Tailgate Ever
- Meet the Pro Bodybuilder Who's Been Vegan Since Birth
- Men Leave Their Own Mark on Veganism
- Michael Clarke Duncan credits veg lifestyle for improved health and clearer conscience
- Michelle Rojas-Soto
- Milton R. Mills, M.D.
- Morality, Biology, Complicity: Humans Not Predators
- More Major League Baseball Vegan Firsts
- More People Want Vegan Food in Restaurants
- More schools than ever are serving vegan meals in California. Here's how they did it.
- More Vegan/Animal-friendly Fighters
- More Vegan Restaurants Open Rather Than Close During Covid-19
- My 'Animal Awakening'
- My buddy the fruit fly
- My Daughter Jenna
- "My Friend Eats Fish and Says She's Vegan. Is She Really?"
- My Journey from 'Humane' Dairy Farmer to Vegan Cheese Maker
- My Journey Of Transformation
- My life is so much richer now
- My Parents "Forced" Veganism on Me
- My Participation in "The Conversation"
- My Pilgrimage: Dr. Michael Klaper
- My Pilgrimage: Peter Opa
- My Pilgrimage - Jim Weiland
- My Response to a Journalist
- My review of The World Vegan Summit
- My Teacher, My Guru, Nikita
- My Two-Year Vegan Anniversary
- Myth-Busters: Vegan Edition!
- Nash
- National Animal Rights Day Brings Hope and Pizza to Albany, New York
- Nature vs. Nurture: What Science Tells Us About Vegetarianism and Veganism
- Navigating the Vegan Aisles
- Never Too Late To Go Vegan: The Over-50 Guide to Adopting and Thriving on a Plant-Based Diet (book review)
- New Study Shows Vegans More Productive in the Workplace
- New Vegan Breakthrough Aims To Appeal to Meat Eaters
- New Year 2019, and I�m hoping for a miracle
- New York State Coalition for Healthy School Food
- New York Times: Why Are You Trying So Desperately to Defend Meat Eating on Ethical Grounds?
- NFL Veteran Says: Time to Make Veganism the Norm!
- NFL Players Debunk Stereotypes
- Nicole Wiliams
- No Innocent Bystanders
- No Longer Turning a Blind Eye to Their Suffering
- Non-Violence Begins With the Fork
- No Parm, no problem: How modern chefs are veganizing the Caesar salad
- Not in my skin
- Nothing less than veganism
- November 1 is World Vegan Day
- Now That Colin Kaepernick Is GQ's Citizen of the Year, It's Time the World Knows He's Vega
Nuhad Sheikh, Founder of RerQ, Creator of the Vegan Yogi
- Number Of Vegans In The UK Surges By 300% In 2.5 Years, New Data Suggests
- Obamacare and/or Vegan Care? You Be the Judge
- Obscene term of the day: a protein
- Omn!pork: David Yeung, The Man Changing China
- 'O' so exciting news
- On Being a New Vegan
- On The Rise: Three Percent Of Americans Admit To Being Vegetarian
- On the subject of ‘experts’ in general and exploitation industry 'experts' in particular
- On Vegetarian Diets and Christianity
- Ongoing Fresh Vegan Food for Hungry Ethiopian Children
- On Going Vegan
- On ‘personal choice’ and trying to be a ‘popular’ vegan
- Ontario Legally Recognizes Ethical Veganism
- On Trusting Experts
- Open Letter To the Vegetarian Community
- Opposition Confirms My Purpose
- Other animals prey on one another, so why shouldn�t we? It�s natural
- Our Beckoning Future
- Our Choices Impact Animals: The Dynamics of Choice
- Our Daughter Just Turned Eleven
- Our Future is Vegan
- Our Hands | Their Lives | Our Choices
- Our Vigil - Bison
- Our Vigil - Cows
- Our Vigil - Lambs and Sheep
- Our Vigil - Pigs
- Our Youngest Certificate Student Shares Her Plant-Based Journey
- Out of Africa - New Hope!
- Over 20,000 Restaurants Now Offer Vegan Cheese
- Overcoming a Depressing Vegetarian Message: A Potential Fix to Confronting "Cognitive Dissonance"
- Overcoming Any Obstacle to Share the Message - Heather Mills
- Pablo's Gift
- Paradise Bound
- Patrik Baboumian, World Record Strongman: My Strength Is My Compassion
- Paul Turner's Journey with Food For Life Global
- Peace and Vegetarianism
- Personal Chef for Tom Brady Talks Food and Education
- Pioneers of Peace
- Pippa Wollen - Vegan Dog
- Plant-Based Buzz
- Plant-based menus: trend to movement
- Plant-Based Veggie Grill is Set to Sprout Up Nationwide
- Plant-Powered Athletes: Ambassadors for Change
- PlantPure Nation
- PLEDGE: Netflix Movie Okja Inspires People To Ditch Meat And Go Vegan
- Politically Correct?
- Press Statement from Renee King-Sonnen, August 7, 2022, re Asha's Sanctuary and Two Cows
- Preventing Ex-Vegans: The Power of Ethics
- Preventing Ex-Vegans: Why Feeling 'Normal' Matters
- 'Processing' - The Brutality We Deny
- Pro-Choice Vegan? You Bet!
- Progress, progress, progress
- Queer Animals and Queer Liberation – An Introduction
- Rabbi Yossi Feintuch Says Vegetarianism is a Religious Ideal
- Raising a child on a vegan diet: Birth to age five
- Raising a child on a vegan diet: Older children
- Raising Vegan Children
- Raw Vegan VS Cooked Vegan
- Real Men Eat Plants
- Rebel With a Cause
- Recipe for a Peaceful "Thanksliving"
- Rediscovering Vegan Heritage: The Rise of Plant-Based Diets in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Region
- Reduction and restriction – is it compromise or betrayal?
- Reflections of a seasoned vegan
- Refugees Find Comfort in Free Vegan Food from Food for Life Global Throughout Europe
- Rehabs for Meat Addicts
- Requiring others to suffer for our pleasure is despicable
- Resolved: Vegan USA by 2018
- Respect For All Life
- Resolute
- Responding Effectively to FAQ's About Food, Farm Animals, and Veganism
- Responses to Typical Comments/Questions Vegans Get from Non-vegans
- Restaurant going 100% vegan after seeing Cowspiracy!
- Retiring 'Vegetarian'
- Reverence For Life
- Revisit Christmas Past
- Rewilding 2023 Demands Expanding Our Self-Centered Mindsets
- Ridge Hospital (Paradise CA) Opens Vegan Restaurant
- Russell Simmons Explains to Ellen DeGeneres Why He's a Vegan
- Sacrifice, Non-violence and Abstention from Meat in Epic Hinduism
- Sanctuary
- Sanctuaries - the way of the future
- San Diego Mayor and Councilmembers Declare October 2-9 'Veg Week 2010'
- Satyagraha: The Magic Button
- Save a Life, not Take One
- Say This To Convince A Hunter To Go Vegan
- Scary But True: Vegan 1984 vs. Vegan 2024
- Searching for Santosha; Using Compassion to Pave the Way
- Seven Ways Being Vegan Helps the Planet
- Sharing Tables: The Challenge of Dietary Pluralism for Christian Communities
- Shaun Flores
- Shock Waves and Collateral Beauty
- Should I Go Vegan by Adopting a Vegetarian Diet First?
- Should Vegans And Vegetarians Eat 'Fake Meat?'
- Showing 'Earthlings' in Prague
- Simply Choose Love Over Food
- Since I Became Vegan...
- Six Universal Reasons for Living Vegan
- Sizeism in the Animal 'Movement'
- Sky Raven The Vegan Poet
- Sleep, Lilliput. Sleep.
- Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions About Veganism
- Social Media and the Rise of Veganism
- Solstice
- Some of my best friends are pigs
- Some Thoughts on the Meaning of 'Vegan'
- Something Healthy and Different: The Story of The Organic Grill and OG Talk
- So, What's Everyone Doing for Thanksgiving?
- So what's stopping us from eating our Pets? Cats, Dogs, Guinea Pig, and Horses
- Speaking Out: The First Thanksgiving
- Special Ops Sniper And Hunter Becomes Anti-Poaching Vegan
- Speciesism and Veganism: Transcending Politics and Religion
- Spiritual Vegetarian Roots
- Standing Up Through Coronavirus: Love Spoken Here
- Staying resilient as advocates in challenging times
- Staying true - more thoughts on 'reducing suffering'
- Stern Co-host Robin Quivers Finishes New York City Marathon, Credits Vegan Diet
- Stewart Mitchell
- Stop Blaming Veganism for You Not Being Vegan
- Stopping Bird Flu Starts at Dinner
- Street Smarts: Vegan Street's Marla Rose and John Beske
- Study of 2,068 Vegans Helps Debunk Six of the Most Common Myths
- Sun Shines On
- Survey Reveals Why Some People Become Vegan or Vegetarian
- Taiwan Opens First [almost all] Vegan Supermarket
- Take Heart!
- Take Nothing
- Taking Our Ethical Commitments Seriously
- Taking our time, taking their lives
- Ten Life Lessons from Longtime Vegans
- Ten Reasons for Stock-Free Farming
- Texas Cattle Rancher Breaks ‘100 Year Family Tradition’ After Shifting To Plant-Based Agriculture
- Texas Cattle Rancher Goes Vegan, Turns Ranch Into Sanctuary
- Thankfulness Without Harm
- Thanksgiving is a time to have gratitude � but it is much more than sharing a meal
- Thanksgiving and Wild Turkeys
- Thanksgiving Tofurky
- Thanksgiving Vegan Turkey Recipe
- That Is Just Too Extreme For Me
- The 1st of November Is World Vegan Day. Here’s What (I Think) It Means.
- The Animal Kingdom Has Lost Its Prince
- The Astonishing Intelligence of Being
- The atrocity is that we have victims when it is not necessary
- The Barret Family Story
- The Barriers We Confront
- The Benefits Of A Raw Food Diet
- The Broad Relevance of Vegan Ethics in Everyday Life: Think Like a Vegan: What Everyone Can Learn From Vegan Ethics
- The Can't Word
- The Case for Christian Vegetarian Activism
- The Chocolate Vegan
- The Christmas Spirit
- The difference between veganism and a plant-based diet
- The doer and the deed – considering the difference
- The Elephant in the Room
- The evolution from meat eater to vegan animal rights activist
- The First Time I Held a Chicken
- The First Vegan Full-Service PR and Marketing Agency Opens in Los Angeles
- The First Vegan News, November 1944
- The First Vegetarian Thanksgiving
- The Food In Heaven
- The Fruit Contest: An Alphabet Of Fruits
- The Future Is Vegan
- The Goal of Health and Well-Being
- The Great Honey Debate: Why Honey is Not Vegan
- The Greatest Movement In History
- The Grief of Vegans
- The Healing Path of Veganism
- The Historic Precedent of Inclusiveness
- The Importance of Veganism in Economically Deprived Communities
- The Meat In My Mouth: Why I Became A Vegan
- The Meat Revolution
- The Middle East Vegan Society Launches Vegan Islam Initiative
- The Moral Arguments For Embracing a Vegetarian/Vegan Diet
- The more vegan stuff there is in the world, the less animal suffering there is
- The Ninth Annual Disgruntled Vegan Alphabet
- The Note in My Dad's Wallet
- The Omnivore's Rationalization
- The Only Honest Arguments Against Going Vegan...
- The Only Diet for a Peacemaker Is a Vegetarian Diet
- The Pandemic and the Goddesses of Retribution
- The Plant-Based Foods Trend and Generation Z
- The Positive Revolution: How Changing the Way We Eat Can Change the World
- The Question That Changed My Perspective
- The Rise of Meat Alternatives in the Middle East: From Traditional Dishes to Modern Innovations
- The Root Cause of All Discrimination, Oppression and Even Terrorism
- The Same in Every Way That Matters
- The Sheep Couldn't Tell the Human
- The Story of The Sanctuary at Soledad Goats
- The Three Principles of Food Not Bombs
- The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But...
- The U.N.'s Meatless Drive
- The U.S. is a nation where people love animals to death
- The value of honesty - thoughts
- The Vegan Divide: Coming Back Together for the Animals and a Vegan World
- The Vegan Birth and the Birth of the 'Circles of Compassion' Vision
- The Vegan Evolution: A New Era for Humanity
- The Vegan Movement Cannot be Stopped
- The Vegan No
- The Vegan Revolution: How Plant-Based Foods Are Set to Dominate the Economy
- The Vegan Solution: An Ideal Whose Time Has Come
- The Vegan Spirit of Thanksgiving
- The Vigil Will Continue
- The way it's always been and if we stop they'll become extinct
- The Way of Vegan
- The winds of change are blowin'
- The Whole Love
- The Year I Stopped Saving Animals
- There are no others
- There's a New Kid on the Block...A Vegan Mentor
- These Are Vegan Issues
- They Can Count On Me
- Thinking about Kincaid. Sad. Mad. Heartbroken. Confused.
- Thinking about things other people do
- This Little Bird...
- This New Travel App Will Help You Speak Vegan in Every Language
- This New Year's Resolution Makes a Difference to Your Body and the Planet
- This Swedish Farmer Is Turning Away From Dairy�To Grow Oats For Vegan Milk
- Thoughts about living in a nonvegan world
- 'Those vegans' and being a nonvegan advocate
- Time For Change
- Time for consistency in compassion
- Time to Spread the Joy
- Time to Wake Up
- Tips for Living a Happy Vegan Life (In a Carnivore's World)
- Tips for Promoting Veganism
- Thoughts on avoidable harm and being veganish
- To be a Feminist is to be a Vegan
- Today I received an email to help "stop high-speed slaughter"
- Today is my first car-free anniversary. So...
- To Make Life Truly Just
- To Meat or not to Meat
- Top Five Tips on Navigating Christmas as a Vegan
- Touching a Sow
- Tracing My Own Personal Food Route
- Transformations—Actor James Cromwell was motivated to become a full vegan and animal advocate after playing Farmer Hoggett in “Babe”
- Transforming Our Traditions
- Translations of common expressions: 'Grass-fed lamb, half price!'
- Turn Over A New Leaf: Vegan Diets Are Moving More Solidly Into Mainstream
- Undercover Investigator TJ Tumasse
- Unexpected witness to the absolute sham that is 'humane meat'
- Unilever Launches $94 Million 'Innovation Center' To Create Plant-Based Food And Sustainable Packaging
- Unity With All Living Things
- Uno Mas
- Untangling Vegan Dilemmas
- UPC's 2016 Conscious Eating Conference Videos
- You Can't Return to Ignorance
- You may not be vegan, but your values probably are
- Your Ignorance Shall Not Deter Our Fight For Their Freedom
- Your Original Self is Vegan
- V Stands for Verity, Virtue, Valor, Validity and Veganism
- VEGAN 101 Video Crash Course
- Vegan 1-2-3
- Vegan 1-2-3: Health and Nutrition
- Vegan 1-2-3: What Do Vegans Eat?
- Vegan Advocacy at Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary
- Vegan (and ex-Vegan) Celebrities
- Vegan Ayurveda
- Vegan Calculator
- Vegan Choice
- Vegan Companies 'Struggling To Meet' Growing Demand
- Vegan Confession: Why I'm Not An "Animal Lover"
- Vegan Conversion Narrative: Jennifer Molidor
- Vegan Credo
- Vegan Day 2012 - England, Italy, Spain
- Vegan Death Threats in the Age of Truthiness
- Vegan Does Not Always Mean Cruelty-Free
- Vegan: Easier Than You Think
- Vegan Evolution
- Vegan Fairy Tale: A Rancher's Wife & Her Voice for the Voiceless
- Vegan Food Now at TX Rangers Ballpark
- Vegan Foodie Interview with Laura Theodore, The Jazzy Vegetarian
- Vegan for a Reason: Why We Should Celebrate World Vegan Month
- Vegan for Life!
- Vegan From Birth - Sarina Farb
- Vegan Hockey
- Vegan Industry Growth and Its Future
- Vegan Inspirations from Dubai and South Africa (Part One)
- Vegan Inspirations from Dubai and South Africa (Part Two)
- Vegan Integrity - By 12-Year-Old Vegan Journalist
- Vegan Is...
- Vegan is More than a Lifestyle; It is an Ethic
- Vegan "Jello" Gelatin
- Vegan Kilimanjaro
- Vegan Labeling Wars Show The Plant-Based Sector Is Booming
- Vegan Lifestyle: So Much More Than Just a Diet
- Vegan Lifestyle: Why Veganism Is More Than a Diet
- Vegan Lunch Option Victory in Los Angeles Schools
- Vegan Meals Increase School Attendance in Nepal
- Vegan Means
- Vegan Mother and Animal Activist, Doh Driver
- Vegan Needs a Capital “V”
- Vegan New Year Google Searches SKYROCKET
- Vegan Parents Charged in Death of Baby Raised on Mother's Milk
- Vegan Question: Can You Be a Vegan and Smoke Cigarettes?
- Vegan Revelation: A Lesson in Compassion
- Vegan Rockstar with Carol J. Adams
- Vegan Roots
- Vegan Said To Be Largest on Earth
- Vegan Shift
- Vegan Strong Fast-Tracking Veganism
- Vegan Venting 2021
- Vegan Visionary Tracye McQuirter Shares Hopes for a World Where Healthy Eating and Living are the Norm
- Vegan Vulcan: "Live Long and Prosper � Go Veg!"
- Veganism and Conscience
- Veganism and the Church
- Veganism And The Meaning Of 'True'
- Veganism and Women
- Veganism as a Radical Peace Movement
- Veganism a Way to Combat Race-Based Violence
- Veganism as Left Praxis
- Veganism Defined (written by Leslie Cross, 1951)
- Veganism; do motives matter?
- Veganism in America Has Grown by 600 Percent Since 2014
- Veganism Is Being Redefined in Black Communities
- Veganism: One Small Step for Man; One Giant Leap for Mankind.
- Veganism, Public Policy, and Health For All
- Veganism Promotes Non-Violence
- Veganism/Vegetarianism in the United States
- Veganism: A Fourteen Year Old's Philosophy of Life
- Veganism: History, Contemporary Views, and Common Objections
- Veganism: Inventing the NEW NORMAL
- Veganism is a very simple concept
- Veganism; ‘strict’ or ‘simple’ – a matter of perspective
- Veganism Takes Guts
- Veganism: The Panacea to the Pandemic?
- Veganisms
- Veganism's Shaky Pillars
- Veganizing Your Favorite Baked Goods
- Vegans are idiots
- Vegans Are in a Cult?
- Vegans, Communities and the Puerto Rican Hurricane Aftermath
- Vegans Don't Eat Eggs. Period.
- Vegans for Health and Vegans for Ethics Are In It For the Long Haul
- "Vegans Harm Animals, Too!"
- Vegans Need to Show Some Compassion for Slaughterhouse Workers Who might have COVID-19
- Vegans Win Again: Egg Intake Linked to Diabetes Risk
- Vegans: Space Aliens or Compassionate Earthlings?
- Veganuary
- Veganuary celebrates 10 years
- Veganuary – is it a game changer?
- Vegetable Soup for the Soul - 8 articles
- Vegetarian/Vegan Diets Don't Limit Athletic Excellence
- Vegetarianism
- Vegetarianism and Spirituality
- Vegetarianism: the choice of the 'more intelligent' child
- Vegetarianism Staves Off Starvation
- Vegetarianism - Why?
- Vegetarian Mama
- Vegetarians, and Proud
- Vegetarians Really Are Smarter
- Veggie Happy Day - January 10, 2015Veggie Happy Day - January 10, 2015
- Veggie Month
- Veggie Power
- Veggie School Report Card: Improved Test Scores and More Energy
- Vishnu Saved My Life
- Voices From the Garden
- Volunteering at Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary
- Volunteers to Vegans
- War: The Ultimate Betrayal of Vegan Principles
- Watch "Earthlings" Go Vegan
- We Are All Connected
- We Are Not So Different...
- We Are the Bright Side
- Weightlifters Add Beef to Muscles Without Eating It
- We Must Press On
- Wendy's New Leaf Story
- What about lions?
- What about the plants you kill or harm by eating vegan?
- What about companion animals? Would I have to give them away?
- "What are cows for?"
- What do I do with all the items I already own that are made of wool, leather, fur, silk, etc?
- What Does the Word �Vegan� Really Mean?
- What exactly is 'mainstream' about injustice?
- What If Nobody Cares?
- What If We Were All Just Vegans?
- What I Learned About Love from Reality TV
- What a Vegan Is and Isn't, Explained
- What is the Vegetarian Beef About World Hunger?
- What is veganism - a reminder
- What is veganism? Recognising Me As Someone
- What Kind of Legacy Do You Want To Leave?
- What kind of loving person would choose to eat a tortured animal?
- What Lies Between Almost Vegan and Vegan?
- What we ask for, what we get....
- What's The Connection Between Industrial Warfare And The Food We Eat?
- What's This Vegan Thing All About?
- What Took Me So Long? Transit and Resistance
- What will happen to the animals when the world goes vegan?
- When BBQs Become Battlegrounds
- When Does the Killing End?
- Whenever We Eat Animal Foods, We Are Being Exploited
- When I was 12...
- When Our Animal Friends Eventually Become Our Food
- When Something is Rotten...
- When We Suddenly See the Same Things Differently
- When Will President Obama And Other World Leaders Stop Eating Animal Flesh?
- Where's the Beef? Ghent Goes Vegetarian
- Which Will We Choose?
- Who Are You Eating? How Simple Changes In Our Eating Habits Can Profoundly Change the World
- Who Is Actually Forcing Their Opinions On Others?
- Who You Callin' Vegangelical?
- Who’s Your Rosie?
- Why?
- Why a Former Sheep Farmer Went Vegan
- Why Be Vegan When Nature Is Predatory?
- Why being vegan rocks
- Why Dedicated Vegans Think that Honey is Not "The Bees Knees"
- Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me?
- Why Do Some People Fail at Being Vegan?
- Why do vegans allow vegetarianism to define veganism?
- Why Go Vegan in 2020
- Why Going Vegan Is a 'Manly' Thing to Do
- Why Honey is Not Vegan
- Why I'm An Animal Rights Activist When There Is So Much Human Suffering In The World
- Why I Am Vegan
- Why I Am Vegan
- Why I Became a Vegan
- Why I Love Vegans
- Why I Rooted For the Monsters In 'Stranger Things'
- Why I Went Vegan
- Why I Will Always Be Vegan
- Why Is Veganism Important? Reasons to Go Vegan
- Why LOVE one but EAT the other?
- Why people become vegans: The history, sex and science of a meatless existence
- Why should I care about animal suffering when there is so much human suffering in the world?
- Why This Farmer Went From Raising Chickens to Growing Industrial Hemp
- Why Vegan
- Why Vegan Conference 2024, Sin El Fil, Lebanon
- Why Vegan History Matters: A Western Perspective
- Why vegans don't wear leather and you shouldn't either
- Why Vegans Were Right All Along
- Will the Future of Food Be a World Without Meat?
- Windsor Castle Hosts Vegan Lunch for Interfaith Eco-Conference
- Winning With a Vegan Diet - John Salley
- With friends like these...
- Word Up?
- Words from the Wise
- Words of concern – how to mean them
- Working in a Chicken Slaughterhouse Or how I Became a Vegetarian
- Would You Dine With Persons Eating Dog or Cat?
- XMarket Vegan Food Hall, Midwest's Largest Vegan Food Hall, Opening October 2023 In Chicago
- Yes, I Have an Agenda. But It's Not Vegan
- Yes Vegans Can...
- You Are the “Youniverse”
- 'You Know Who You Are'
- You mean you don't even use wool or silk?