What I Learned on the Frontlines
From All-Creatures.org Animal Rights Activism Articles Archive


Rachel Gwilt, Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM)
December 2016

According to USDA reports, nearly 10 billion land animals are raised and killed every year for food in the U.S. alone. Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM), is bringing this injustice to the country's attention by showing the hard-hitting 10 Billion Lives video at college campuses, music festivals and street fairs. Our dedicated staff and volunteers offer passersby $1 to watch our video – an outreach method known as "pay-per-view." After watching, viewers are encouraged to decrease consumption of animals and work towards a vegan diet.

Daily I witnessed the shock and sadness on the faces of viewers and helped to transform those emotions into an empowered urge to take action. One viewer was so moved by the message that she asked if she could hold a sign and help bring people in to watch the video.

Over the past three months as a Tour Operator with FARM’s 10 Billion Lives educational program, I traveled through Oregon and California doing pay-per-view outreach at college campuses. I stood outside for seven hours each day in all types of weather, personally talking to more than 5,400 students about the cruel reality of animal agribusiness.

In total this year, FARM’s 10 Billion Lives Tours reached more than 51,000 viewers with images that the meat, dairy and egg industries try so hard to hide from the public.

From my firsthand experience, I can tell you the vast majority of people want to make kinder choices for animals and they are so glad we’re there to help them learn how to start. Daily I witnessed the shock and sadness on the faces of viewers and helped to transform those emotions into an empowered urge to take action. One viewer was so moved by the message that she asked if she could hold a sign and help bring people in to watch the video. With more than 80% of viewers pledging to explore vegan eating, this program is life-changing for many people.

I was one of nearly two dozen 10 Billion Lives Tour Operators in 2016, and each of us had the same inspiring experience. As more of us prepare to take the reins in 2017, nothing would mean more to me than your support. To maximize your contribution we accept very modest compensation, sleep in the tour vehicles and on supporters’ couches, and put in very long days – all to make sure that your support goes to the animals rather than overhead.

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