From All-Creatures.org Animal Rights Activism Articles Archive

Be a Voice for the Voiceless

Moo-ving people toward compassionate living
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world” -Gandhi

July 2010

Handing out literature and talking with people one-on-one is an inexpensive and highly effective way to increase people’s interest in animal issues and veganism.

act-leaflet-2By definition, a leaflet is commonly referred to as any piece of printed information about animal rights issues and/or concerns. Leaflets include fact sheets, guides, small booklets, brochures, and distributed without charge. Leafleting is when one or more individuals volunteer time to stand outdoors in a busy public area and “politely” offer animal rights literature (or leaflets) to others passing by.


All-Creatures Flyers/Handouts

Tips for Successful Vegan Leafleting

Leaflets - View and Order Materials

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