An Animal Rights Article Series from
Animal Rights/Vegan Activists' Strategies
Recent Additions
- 3 Big Changes We Need in the Farmed Animal Movement
- 4 Cultural Taboos in Our Carnist Society (and How to Address Them)
- 5 Pigs Liberated by ALF from Iron Maiden Farm (Owensboro, Kentucky)
- 5 Steps to Becoming a Likeable Vegan By Cherie Hans, MVCLE
- 6 Ways Your Kids Can Be Animal Heroes, by Kimberly Harper-Colucci, VLCE
- 6-Year-Old Urges Schools To Reduce Meat After Watching David Attenborough’s New Film, A Life on Our Planet
- 7 Ducks Liberated from Foie Gras Farm (France)
- 8th grader creates Premarin mare advocacy website
- 10 left-field vegan marketing ideas for 2025 and beyond
- 10 Recommended Podcasts for Animal Activists
- 10 Steps to Veganism for Your Place of Worship
- 10 Ways Volunteering at a Farm Animal Rescue Is Therapeutic
- 11 Ideas for Navigating the Food-Centric Holiday Season
- 11 Rabbits Rescued
- 15 Cats Saved Following a White Coat Waste Investigation
- 15 Years of Vegan Food Justice
- 20 Dog Meat Dealers Can Now Quit the Trade
- 20 Years Vegan: Jo-Anne McArthur Reflects on What it Means to Her
- 24 Turkeys Liberated Before Christmas
- 25 Ways to Stop Cruelty to Our Fellow Animals
- 100 Pheasants Liberated in France; 16th Liberation of Wild Birds in Europe this Summer
- 239 Hens Open Rescued
- 5,000 Mink Released From Swedish Fur Farm
- 130,000 seeds!
- 2020 Hindsight Demands Changes in Animal-Human Interactions
- 2023 Investigation Manual: How to Expose Animal Abuse
- 4000 More Captive Mink Find Freedom in Michigan
- 4000 Partridges Liberated from Jon Gaunt's Game Farm (UK)
- 600 Mink Liberated from Jerry Marr Mink Farm in Washington State
- A 12 Step Program to Recover from Animal Use, Exploitation, and Destruction
- A Beginner's Guide to Ethical Investment for Vegan and Sustainable Enterprises
- A celebration message from the Chief Executive, League Against Cruel Sports
- A Christian Vegan's Thoughts about Angry Christians
- A day in my life as a felony defendant
- A Decade of Bearing Witness For the Animals
- A Day in the Life: 3 Animal Cruelty Investigators Share How They Save Animals Every Day
- A different kind of midlife crisis: Safe Haven Farm Sanctuary
- A Guide to Effective Tabling for Animal Sanctuaries
- A Legacy Continues as We Embrace Transitions: Thank You, Martin Rowe
- A Letter from Paul Watson
- A Lifetime of Love: Rescue is Not a One-Time Event
- A Litmus Test for Sustainability Sanity
- A Message From Maxim Plokhoi, Ukrainian Activist
- AAM Animal Activism Mentorship
- About Being an LGBTQ Resource Nurse and Animal Rights Activist
- About Beyond Animal
- About
- About that post: An open letter to Mark Zuckerberg
- About the Vegan Women's Leadership Network
- About Toronto Pig Save
- About Wildlife Rehabbers Who Suffer from Species Biases
- ACTAsia Receives Incredible Recognition with Two Awards from the United Nations
- ACTAsia Success Story – Qiang Zeng
- ACTAsia's Partnership with London College of Fashion Course is Turning Heads
- Acting Individually For Animals
- Activism and Change: Hitting the 'Pain Points'
- Activist Extraordinaire Coby Siegenthaler!
- Activist Group in New York Targets Mayor Bill de Blasio over Failure to Help Carriage Horses
- Activist Nikki Ford Explains: Animal Rights Is Not a ‘White Thing’
- Activists Contaminate Two Fur Farms in Wisconsin with Deadly Aleutian Disease
- Activists Liberate 5 Beagles from Marshall Bio Resources (MBR)
- Activists Lockdown at Pig Killing Factory
- Activists Play Slaughterhouse Sounds in Chipotle
- Activists should go to politics – Interview with Kim Stallwood
- Activists Stage 'Eating Animals Causes Pandemics' Rally in NYC
- Activists Stand Up to Big Ag, and Win
- A Different Kind of Advocacy
- Advent, Day 13 Christmas...not white but greenwashed
- Advocates Deliver Valentine’s Day Cards on Behalf of Rocky the Coyote and Spur the Tortoise
- Advocating for Turkeys This Holiday Season: The Plate is No Place for a Turkey
- Advocacy at Work...Changing Behavior
- Ads Thank Residents For Not Feeding Wildlife
- Ads Urge AVMA to Condemn Ventilation Shutdown-Plus
- After 800 Years of Slaughter, UK’s Largest Meat Market Goes Plant-Based
- After Months of Protests, NYC Health Commissioner Mary Bassett Resigns with Over Three Years Left in Her Term
- After the Races: An Interview with a Greyhound Rescue Veteran
- Ahoy! It Has Been a Challenging Year
- ALF Arson at Police Dog Training School (Germany)
- ALF Destroys Trucks in Arson at Netherlands Duck Slaughterhouse
- ALF Liberates 30 Foxes at Ohio Fur Farm
- ALF Liberates 33 Rabbits, 6 Doves, 3 Hens (Italy) and 5 Lambs (UK)
- ALF Liberates Dog from Former Hunt Master (Northamptonshire, UK)
- ALF Liberates More than 400 Guinea Pigs in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (England, UK)
- ALF Liberates Thousands of Pheasants from Game Farm in Chilmark, UK
- ALF Targets Running of the Bulls in Pamplona
- All Charges Dismissed Against Beagle Rescuers
- A Loving Tribute to Henry Spira
- American Tortoise Rescue Year End Report 2020
- American Tortoise Rescue Hosts World Tutle Day 'Shellebration'
- Alliance Formed to Combat Rodeo Animal Abuse
- An Artificial Intelligence Perspective on Planetary Health
- Animal
- An Amazing Education Program that Will Inspire You
- Anarcho Anti-Speciesists for Palestine Disrupt Melbourne Animal Rights Forum
- An EVEN Exclusive Interview with Dr. Sailesh Rao
- An Interview with Mikko Järvenpää, Founder of
- ANDA Interview with lauren Ornelas, Food Empowerment Project
- Angry Vegan Sock Puppet
- An Introvert's View of Leafleting
- An Open Letter to Animal Advocates
- Animal Abusers Feeling the Heat
- Animal Activist Jodie Wiederkehr
- Animal Activists in Finland Use Library Exhibits to Educate Public
- Animal Activists Succeed in Shutting Down Cruel New Year's 'Opossum Drop'
- Animal Advocates Mourn Tragic Death at Fearmans Pork Slaughterhouse in Burlington
- Animal advocates should focus on anti-speciesism, not veganism
- Animal Advocacy by the Numbers
- Animal Cruelty LINKS to Mass Shootings
- Animal Equality: Demonstrators Carry Bodies of Dead Animals
- Animal Ethics website is now available in Arabic
- Animal Hero Kids Give out Free Vegan Food
- Animal Liberation Front Liberates 1000 Mink in Massillon, Ohio
- "Animal Liberation Now": Nothing to Crow About
- Animal Liberation Front Retaliates for the Murder of Activist Regan Russell
- Animal Liberation Prisoner of the Month: Slovakian Ladislav Kuc
- Animal Liberation Prisoner Walter Bond Will be Released from Prison June 18
- Animal Liberation Youth
- Animal Rebellion: The World's Most Consequential Social Justice Movement?
- Animal Research Protestors Stage Mock Funeral at University of British Columbia
- Animal Rights Activist Natasha Brenner Dies at 98
- Animal rights activists free 9,000 pheasants and vow to 'dismantle the shooting industry''
- Animal Rights Activists Rescue 510 Chickens From Kaporos Slaughter
- Animal rights club approved by Missouri public university after FIRE’s First Amendment uproar
- Animal Rights Group Plasters 300 Anti-Kaporos Posters Throughout NYC
- Animal Rights versus “End Cruelty”
- Animal Rights - What Is it? For Kids ()PDF)
- Animal Testing Facility Closed, Turned into a Sanctuary
- Animal Well-Being: Simple, User-Friendly Vocabulary
- Animals & Society Institute - Dealing with COVID-19
- Animal Save Movement's 2020 Annual Report
- Animals & Society Institute (ASI) Will Be Closing at the end of 2025
- Animals: A Parallel History
- Animals at a New Jersey Petting Zoo Find Their Happily Ever After
- Animals' Rights, Veganism and Holocaust Comparisons
- Animals Saved Thanks to Activist Judy Carman
- Annual Review – What ACTAsia got up to in 2023
- Anonymous People Destroy Hunting Equipment
- A Note from the Founder of Mothers Against Dairy
- Another Major Criminal Cockfighting Pit in Kentucky Shut Down
- Another Ohio Cockfight Happened This Weekend, March 23-24, 2024
- Anti-Colonial Food Politics: A Case Study In Action From Mexico
- Anti-Fur Tactics in the Big (Red) Apple During Fashion Week
- Anti-Racism Statement From Dr. Neal Barnard
- Antispeciesist Nihilist Prisoners From the Susaron Case to the Street
- Apologies from the Whole Food Plant-Based Fringe Radicals
- Appeal to Washington Governor on Petition Denial by the Office of Public Instruction
- Appropriation and Animal Rights: The Intersectional Activist
- A Previously Unsolvable Problem
- A Pragmatic Fight for Animal Rights
- Are Farmed Animal Sanctuaries at Risk?
- Are Feminists Right to Resist Comparison with the Females of Other Species?
- Are Nice Vegans Making Us Look Bad?
- Are We Being Lied To?
- A Request: "Pretend to Be More Optimistic"
- A Roadmap for Collaboration between Animal Rights Advocates and Psychological Scientists
- Art for Animals: Its Historical Significance for Advocacy
- As a Black Man, I Felt Uncomfortable Becoming an Animal Activist
- As A Vet, I Would Protect All Animals from Harm—But The Law Won't Let Me
- A Sad Good Bye to One of Our Own
- A Solstice Wish: Freedom From This Kind of Love
- ASPCA and Humane Society criticized for endorsing factory farms with 'bogus' humane meat program
- Aspiring to Act Justly and Fairly Is Not “Sh*t”
- As New
and Old Welfarists Take Aim at Animal Rights
- Attending a Criminal Court Proceeding
- Author of Eternal Treblinka Returns His Ph.D. to Columbia University to Protest Animal Cruelty
- A Vegan Behind the Scenes of the Envigo Beagle Rescue
- A veterinary student receives an F for following her conscience
- AVMA Responds to Dr. Barry Kipperman’s Criticism of New Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics
- A Volunteer's Experience in the Field with BFC Buffalo Field Campaign
- A Wild Love
- A Year of Renewal Rebuilding and Rebranding By Captain Paul Watson
- Aylam Orian, Our Planet. Theirs Too. NARD and the Declaration of Animal Rights
- Baby Cows Saved From Slaughter by Destination Liberation
- Back to School Day is a Big Change for Local Wildlife, Too
- Badge of Courage: A Night with the Secretive Animal Rights Group Sabotaging England's Badger Cull
- Bearing Witness
- Bearing Witness
- Bearing witness to suffering is one of the most powerful things we can do
- Bears and People: A Novel Program For Peaceful Coexistence
- Beaver County Will Pay $52,000 to Settle Activists' Free Speech Lawsuit
- Be Careful What You Wish For...
- Be Fair Be Vegan - Connecticut
- Be Fair Be Vegan - Melbourne
- Be Fair Be Vegan - Montreal
- Be Fair Be Vegan - Seattle
- Be Fair Be Vegan - St. Johns, Newfoundland
- Be Fair Be Vegan - Toronto
- Be Fair Be Vegan's Response to Claims of Disparagement and 'Agri-Bashing'
- Before Being Arrested, Animal Rights Activists Explain Why They Chained Themselves to Factory Farm Gate
- Believe
- Believing Is the First Step to Animal Liberation
- Belle Vue (UK) Greyhound Race Track Shut Down: A Grass Roots success
- Beneath the Moon's Gaze: A Prelude to Resilience
- Berkeley City Counsel Agrees to make a 'Plan' to Stop Buying Animal Products
- Berkeley Unites to Keep Animal Rights Center Open
- Besides Rescue—How Animal Sanctuary Offers Hope & Healing
- Big Cat Rescue's Grand Opening of First-Ever Augmented Reality Zoo
- Birds Saved from Indian Kit Festival Injuries
- Black Vegan Activist Training
- Black Vegans Rock: Chantele Jones
- Black Vegans Rock: Lyssa Wade, aka Veggie Thumper
- Born Free's Lion Activities and Lesson Plans for Kids
- Born Vegan: Where Heart and Science Meet Conscientious Living
- Break at work
- Breaking the Sound of Silence for Good
- Brian Davies - About Network for Animals
- Brian May would rather be remembered...
- Bring BE FAIR BE VEGAN to Your Area
- Bringing Animals Into the College Classroom: My Experience
- Bringing Gen Z into the vegan fold for animals
- British Animal Charities Are Missing in Action for the December 12, 2019 General Election
- Buffalo and Uvalde 'Mass Murderers' Had Documented Histories of Animal Abuse
- Bullfighting Website Hacked, Ticket Buyers Exposed
- Bull Riding Fans Confront Animal Rights Protesters at Madison Square Garden
- But My Family Would Never Go For It
- 'But what about...' The Truth about Common Anti-Vegan Misinformation
- California Teen Honored for Helping to End Frog Dissection
- Calling Foul on Culling Waterfowl
- Camp Beagle: UK Protest Makes History
- Campaign K-12 - Letter to Top School Officials
- Campaigning for Painism and against Speciesism
- Canada is a go-to source of horsemeat. These activists are trying to change that
- Can Introverts Be Animal Activists?
- Can Vegans Get the Support They Need While Grieving the Loss of a Loved One?
- Can We Defend The Holocaust Comparison In Advocacy?
- Captain Paul Watson Ambushed and Arrested in Greenland
- Captain Paul Watson Foundation — Ireland Chapter
- Captain Paul Watson to Receive the Perfect World Foundation's Honorary Conservation Award 2025
- Capturing Fluffy in the Freezing Cold: "My Love for This Special Creature Who Honored Me by Choosing Our Home"
- Cara and Celeste, The Northumberland 2, charged with felony eco-terrorism accused of freeing mink from a fur farm are out of jail
- Caregiving is Activism: The Microsanctuary Resource Center
- Caring, Killing, Euphemism and George Orwell: How Language Choice Undercuts Our Mission
- Caroline Earle White Made History for Animals
- Case Dismissed: Sanctuary Owner Vindicated
- Case For Intersecting Disability and Factory Farmed Animal Rights
- Catholic Concern for Animals has launched a major new campaign regarding animals in circuses
- Catching Flies
- Celebrating ten years of veterinary training in China
- Celebrating Two Icons of our Movement: Judy Carman and John McDougall
- Center for Effective Vegan Advocacy
- Challenging Dissociation: The Complexity Of The Meat-Animal Link
- Change the World for Animals With Your Words: "It" Matters
- Changing For Good (2018 Handout)
- Changing For Good (2017 Handout)
- Changing Men's Perceptions Of Veganism Through Framing
- Chicago Alliance For Animals CAA: Grassroots Activism Successes
- "Chickens," not "broilers" (or "layers")
- Children's Workshop Encouraging Compassion: 'Love – Help – Don’t Harm.'
- Chimp Rescuer Sets Up Sting Operation to Seize Baby from Exotic Pet Trafficker
- Chipping Away at Injustices
- Cinema Ads Before Finding Dory Confront Wayne State Over Experiments on Dog Named Dorrie
- Clearlake Mute Swans Saved from Extermination Plan
- Closing Night of 'The Story of Chickens'
- Cockfighters Attack SHARK Investigators, Sending Them to the Hospital with Severe Injuries
- Cockfighting Attacker Sentenced to Prison for 4-6 Years for Attacking SHARK Investigators
- Colin and Woody in Times Square!
- Colleen Plumb Constantly Discovers
- Comment From Karen Davis on NPR's Show 'Planting a Seed'¯ on Being Vegan
- Compassion Fatigue: Indirect Harms From Caring About Animals
- Compassion for All Beings: More Important Than Ever
- Compassion in Fashion at Sustainable Fur-Free Fashion Festival in Shanghai
- Compassion Wins: An Interview with Anita Krajnc of Toronto Pig Save
- Compassionate and Creative Easter 'Eggs'
- Complaint Prompts Canada Goose to Change False, Misleading Marketing
- Concealing Speciesist Violence in U.S. News reporting on the COVID-19 “Pork” Industry Crisis
- Conflict Among Veg*Ns: Ethics Vs. Health
- Connecting Feminism to Animal Advocacy and the Importance of Widening Our Activism Circles
- Conversations with a Friendly Vegan - Booklet
- Convincing Others to Go Vegan: A Compassionate Approach
- Core Principles of the Microsanctuary Resource Center
- Coronavirus: a backlash against animals that should be solved by education
- Costs of Caring for Abused Animals Are Existential Crises
- Counterglow: US Map of Animal Agriculture Operations
- Court Strikes Down Ontario Law Banning Hidden-Camera Farm Investigations
- Courts Drag Their Feet While Whales Die [Captain Paul Watson]
- "Cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys...they were calling me"
- Create Change At Any Age
- Creating A Movement
- Crows Escape Massacre in Vermont Thanks to You!
- 'Cube Of Truth' Vegan Activists Campaign For Animal Rights
- Cuddle Coats
- Cull: Killing animals because they have unacceptable characteristics to be used as test subjects
- Daily Log of Activities to End Chicken Kaporos in Brooklyn, October 3-7, 2019
- Daphne Sheldrick, 83, showed Kenya that wildlife is worth most when alive
- Dealing with Co-workers: A Vegan Guidance Counselor in a School Full of Omnivores..
- Dealing with death
- Dear Mr. & Mrs. 'Regular'¯ Person
- Dear PETA, Israel’s Animal Rights Record Leaves a Lot to be Desired
- Deceptive Advertising by Animal Products Industry Fools Consumers; Advocates Fight Back
- Debate about the strategy to be used to implement animal rights
- Debate Guide: Guide to Justifications for Harming and Exploiting Animals
- Deep Within - The Edgar's Mission Story
- Defend Animals. Change Starts on Your Campus
- Department of Urban Fauna Gets Wheatpasted Against the Confinement of Animals in Athens' National Garden
- Development of the Passive and Active Meat-Animal Dissociation Scale (MADS)
- Different Drummer Dining
- Dinner Invitation Was Rescinded
- Direct Action Chronicles - Rob's Story
- Direct Action Everywhere 2022 Annual Report
- Direct Action is About Dramatizing an Issue So that it Can No Longer be Ignored
- Discarding euphemisms: the fate of animals deserves truthful words
- Discerning Deceptions in Science
- Disrupting Social Norms: An Anecdote From a Lonely Vegan Teacher
- Dissociation of Dairy from its Animal Origin and the Role of Disgust to Reduce Dairy Consumption
- Diverse Vegan
- Does Food Empowerment Project FEP Work With Other Organizations?
- Does Guilt Have a Place in Animal Rights Activism?
- Does Social Media Hurt Animal Activism?
- Doing the Right Thing: An Interview with Stevan Harnad
- Doing Time With Activist Jan Smitowicz
- Do It For Love!
- Do it For Others
- Dominion: Q&A with Producer Shaun Monson
- Donkeys Bound for Slaughter Find Sanctuary at Oscar's Place
- Don't say GO VEGAN. Respond to the local context and challenges of your people
- Don't Talk to the Police
- Do Species Awareness Days Work?
- Dr. Milton Mills: On Being a Black, Vegan Doctor in Trump’s America
- Dr. Rich McLellan peacefully passed away last week
- Duck, Duck, Goose' - Everybody Wins!
- DxE Direct Action Everywhere - 2023 Annual Report
- Earthling Ed’s: 30 Non-Vegan Excuses & How to Respond to Them
- EarthStream: Streaming Platform Supporting Animal Non-Profits Debuts
- Eastern US Fur Farm Survey Reveals Numerous Closures
- Educated Choices Program's Accomplishments in 2020
- Encouraging Positive Actions for Animals: What Advocates Should Know About Motivating the Average Person
- Effective Activism
- Eight Virunga Park Rangers Have Been Murdered This Year
- Elections, Animals and the Web of Life
- Elementary School Ends Egg-Hatching Project
- Elephants: Mothers, babies, teenagers, matriarch and bulls - about to be SAVED!
- Elliot Katz: Animals will miss him
- Ellwood's Organic Dog Meat Isn't Real
- Elves Liberate Six Ducks for Christmas
- Empathy for Animals' 4-6-Week Vegan Mentorship Program
- Emotional Labor, Burnout, And Animal Advocacy
- Ending Nagaland's Dog Meat Trade?
- Ending NIH Dog Abuses
- Erica Meier - Celebration of a Legacy
- Ethical Choices Program
- Ethical Choices Program Is Expanding
- Ethical Veganism in RE Religious Education: Teachers' Guide
- European-Owned Miami Seaquarium Must Free Lolita as France Bans Orca Captivity
- EVEN Interview with Joanne Kong
- EVEN Interview with Ellie Laks
- Every Captive Fox Liberated from Minnesota Fur Farm
- Evolution Of A Veg*n Advocate: Vegans and Animal Suffering
- Exciting update on the gibbon release in Sumatra where eight couples have beensuccessfully reintroduced into the wild
- Exiting veganism: Identity residue, reaction or ambivalence?
- Exploring the Intersection of Farmed Animal Sanctuaries and the Vegan Movement
- Exploring the science of human behaviour and climate action
- Exposing Smithfield’s trail of blood
- Extinction-Free BBQ
- Faces of Advocacy: Who We Really Are
- Facts Matter in Conservation; Be Careful about Making Claims
- Faith.Food.Family
- FBI Powerless, As Usual, To Reign In Animal Liberation Front
- FBI Records Reveal Ironic Accusations Against Animal Activists
- FBI Visits Animal Liberation Press Officer’s Home
- Feet of Clay - no need for heroes
- Felony Charge Dropped for Animal Rescuer
- Fifty "Christmas" Turkeys Liberated from a Farm – In Memory of Regan Russell
- Fighting Dietary Racism in Schools
- First Vegan Ad Campaign in Ireland
-'s Kid's Page: Puzzles, Coloring Pages, Jokes, Reading resources
- Fishing Line Recycling Program Successes, Saving Wildlife
- Five Reasons Activists Should Never Talk to Police
- Five Reasons to Not Buy a Turtle or Tortoise As Gifts
- Five Steps to More Effective Animal Advocacy
- 'Five Steps to Vegan' is your guided tour
- Five Ways to Stay Optimistic as a New Vegan
- Fixing it...
- Flesh TV
- Focused Campaigns versus Closed Circle Campaigns: What Would a Chicken Say?
- Food as a Medium of Love
- Food for Life (FFL) Peace Formula
- Foodies, Feds and Factory Farms: Why We Need Vegans Now More Than Ever
- Food Bank Hosts its First Vegan Thanksgiving
- Food labels – choosing our battles – the peril of ‘plant-based’
- Food Not Bombs World Gathering - 2016 Tijuana
- For the abolition of veganism, for the abolition of animal exploitation
- For the love of animals: An interview with Ingrid Newkirk, president, CEO and founder of People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals, February 2023
- Forget about fur, Sundays and all days
- For the Birds: From Exploitation to Liberation
- Fostering Critical Thinking at Your Animal Sanctuary
- Foul-Mouthed Veganism
- Foundation for the Animal in the Law (Stiftung für das Tier im Recht TIR) Partners with British Activist Kim Stallwood
- Founders of American Tortoise Rescue continue to advocate, rescue tortoises, turtles
- Four Chilean Activists Remain Jailed for Arson Against Meat Company
- Four Effective Ways to Help Animals From Anywhere
- Four Lessons I Learned After Becoming Vegan
- Free Vegan Posters to Download, Print and Share
- "Friends, Not Food"? Let's Take Veganism Deeper
- From Addiction, Healing, and the Olympics to Animal Activism
- From Paul Watson: Brian Davies (February 4, 1935 - December 27, 2022)
- From the Cow in the Oval Office to the Cow in the Kitchen
- From The Farm To The Sanctuary
- Fur Aficionado Takes to the Streets - and to Her Closet - to Make Amends
- Fur Farm in Italy Destroyed in Arson Despite Best Efforts by Owner
- Fur-Free Friday: The Plight of Animals "Farmed For Fashion"
- Fur is for Furpersons
- Fur Is Not Dead — Yet
- GEAR Gender Equality in Animal Rights Conference
- Gentle Barn - Looking Back at 21 Years
- German Poultry Farm Destroyed in ALF Arson
- How do we get “animal welfare” groups to go plant-based?
- Glenn Greenwald and Sentient Media to Create Weekly Video Series on Animals Rights
- Going Vegan: Five Tips for Success
- Gong Xi Fa Cai! It’s The Year of the Rabbit – but what does this really mean for Rabbits in China and Asia?
- "Good" Anthropomorphism versus "Bad" Anthropomorphism: What is the Difference?
- Go Vegan World Campaign Launches in the North East of England
- God put animals on this planet for humans?
- Groups Urge Associated Press to Update Animal Pronouns
- Growl!
- Grupo de Respuesta Animal [Animal Response Group] Burns Meat Packing Plant in Chile
- Handling Anger Toward Pre-Vegans
- Hanks - Hurt and Huddled on the Freeway Shoulder
- Happy 42nd Birthday Animal Liberation Victoria (ALV)!
- Happy 48th Birthday Dolphin Project!
- Happy 49th Birthday Dolphin Project!
- Happy 75th Birthday Patty Mark!
- Harvard Law Professor Submits Brief Declaring Necessity Defense Applies to Animals
- Having it 'Both' Ways as an Animal Rights Ethical Vegan?
- Healthy Eating Stories for Kids
- Help Animals India – Recent 2021 Highlights
- Help Animals India February 2022 Newsletter
- Help Animals India April 2022 Newsletter
- Help Animals India August 2022 Newsletter
- Help Animals India October 2022 Newsletter
- Help Animals India Winter 2022 Newsletter
- Help Animals India April 2023 Newsletter
- Help Animals India Summer 2023 Newsletter
- Help Animals India Summer 2023 Updates
- Help Animals India Fall 2023 Updates
- Help Animals India December 2023 Newsletter
- Help Animals India February 2024 Newsletter
- Help Ban Slaughterhouses Where You Live!
- Help China's millennials understand why fur is cruel
- Help Yulin's children see the world through the eyes of a dog
- Helping Vegans Navigate Winter Holidays with Grace and Wisdom
- Hen With Chicks Cut-out Coloring Page
- Here's what happened at the Sonoma Trial on September 8
- He was the boss. I work for Jimmy
- Hi. The Planet Is On Fire. Are Vegans Still Too Pushy?
- HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene
- Hidden Cries: Why Animal Photojournalism Really Matters Right Now
- HIDDEN: Glimpsing the Unthinkable - Jo-Anne McArthur
- Home is a Wounded Heart
- Honoring A Legacy
- Honoring Anthony Bourdain
- Honoring Karen Davis, PhD, Founder UPC United Poultry Concerns
- Honoring the Life of Vicki Grimaldi, a Friend to All Animals
- Hosting an animal-friendly event
- How a Small Group of Grassroots Activists Helped Secure Chicago’s Ban on Horse-Drawn Carriages
- How an Ethical Veterinary Student Dealt with Animal-abusing Veterinary Students
- How Are Animal Abuse and Family Violence Linked?
- How Can We Help Chickens and Other Farmed Animals?
- How Can We Promote Respect For Chickens? An Interview With Karen Davis Of United Poultry Concern
- How Do We Change Culture? On Cultural Strategy for Animal Freedom
- How do we get “animal welfare” groups to go plant-based?
- How it All Began - Animal Place Sanctuary
- How I baited the media into showing slaughterhouse footage to over 200,000 people
- How It All Began - Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary
- How organic gardeners keep the ‘bad’ bugs at bay
- How to Access Bus Stop Advertisement Spaces
- How To Achieve Excellence In Your Environmental Pursuits
- How to Bear it During Black Bear Season
- How to Eat Plant-Based in the Military
- How to Counter Speciesism with your Language
- How To Kindly Coexist With Extra Small Animals, Including Uninvited House Guests
- How to Make the World Better for Nonhuman Animals
- How to make your voice count and have impact
- How to Report Direct Action to Unoffensive Animal
- How to Shift to a More Plant-Based Diet, Without the Guilt
- How to Talk Turkey
- How to Write Public Comments
- How we collect and rehome the farmed animals in our care
- How We Introduce Animals to Children: A Story of Hypocrisy
- How We Shut Down Sweden's Falkenberg Mink Farm
- How What We Think Can Help Liberate Animals
- How White Coat Waste Cut the NIH-Wuhan Lab Grant
- How you made impact in 2023 for We Animals Media
- Huge Kaporos Chicken Rescue Planned
- Humane-Animal Studies (HAS) International Development Program
- 'Humane Hoax' Editor Hope Bohanec on the Fallacy of 'Happy' Farmed Animals
- Humane Society (HSUS) Issues Public Statement on Project Chimps; Advocates Respond
- Humans and animals, both victims of violence
- Hundreds of Captive Mink Liberated From Pennsylvania's Only Remaining Fur Farm
- Huskers' Balloon Release Averted!
- I am following the path of a truthteller
- I am Vegan Cards in 106 Languages
- I Called the Oatly Emotional Support Hotline for Vegans Struggling with Thanksgiving
- Ideas that Have Guided My Efforts to Protect Bears
- I Messed up. So did DxE.
- I Risk My Life for Animals and It Almost Killed Me
- I Sent an Email to Filmmaker Michael Moore Asking Why Aren't Our Fellow Animals on Your Progressive Agenda?
- I Stopped Saying “Meat” and Here’s Why
- If Chickens Had a Podcast: Creating "Hope for the Animals" Podcast
- If plants have feelings, how does this affect our advocacy for animals?
- If You Do One Thing in the New Year
- If You're Like Most Americans, You Think Farmed Animals Are Treated Well: That's Simply Not True
- I Just Got Out of Jail...
- Imagining Creation as a Christian Vegan
- Immediate Actions Needed For #FREEPAULWATSON
- Impact Of Affective Endings Of Climate Change Appeals
- Impossible Foods Teams Up with Colin Kaepernick to Feed People in Need
- Impossible Foods Transforms Former Cattle Ranch Into New 'Impossible Ranch'
- In Celebration of International Respect for Chickens Day, We Are Announcing a New UPC Podcast
- Incredible Kaporos Surrender and Rescue!
- India's Record-breaking heat - how we are helping to save lives!
- Inclusive Responsibility
- In Favor of Animal Moral Considerability
- In Fond Remembrance of Bob Barker, Activist and Friend to Animals Everywhere
- In Heartwarming 'Act of Thanksgiving Mercy,' Farmer Turns Over 100 Turkeys to Animal Rights Group
- In Honor of Cloris Leachman: A True Friend to the Animals
- In Memoriam Nancy Regan 1938–2021
- In Memory and Honor of Animal Rights Activist Shimon Shuchat
- In Memory of Animal Rights Activist Shimon Shuchat
- In Memory of Karen Davis - Martin Rowe, Culture & Animals Foundation
- In Memory of Regan Russell: “I don’t know if it does any good. But I know doing nothing does no good.”
- In Memory of Steven Wise
- In Response to Harriet Hall: "The White Savior is You, Not Joaquin Phoenix"
- "In These Horrific Times, Why Do You Work for Animals?"
- Inspiring veganism
- Integrating Animal Welfare into the World Organisation for Animal Health General Session in Paris
- Interfaith Vegan Coalition
- International Animal Rights Conference 2018
- International Fund for Africa (IFA) Announces Ethiopian Mushroom Farm
- International Respect For Chickens Day Celebrates Compassion for Chickens
- International Respect for Chickens Day Coloring Page 2019
- Intersectional Animal Advocacy: An Interview with pattrice jones
- Interview with Olympic Medalist Dotsie Bausch
- Interview with Animal Rights Photographer Andrew Skowron
- Interview with Czechoslovakian Animal Liberation Activist and Photographer Lukas Vincour
- Interview with Ladislav (Laco) Kuc, Former Animal Liberation Prisoner
- Interview with Photographer Selene Magnolia
- Interview with Sindre, Locked Up Indefinitely for Actions Against a Mink Farmer
- Interviews: Members of New Zealand’s newly formed Animal Justice Party AJP
- Introducing ACTAsia’s Compassionate Choices Network: working together to provide Asian solutions to challenges in Asia
- Introducing The Reason for Vegan Podcast Series
- Introduction to Conversations with a Friendly Vegan
- Investigator files episode one: Pheasants and meeting Calves
- Investigation into the RSPCA Assured scheme reveals widespread animal suffering
- Isaac Bashevis Singer: No Evidence that Humans are More Important than Chickens
- Is Animal Advocates' Most Underused Tool... Humor?
- Is Food Empowerment Project an Intersectional Organization?
- Is the San Francisco Fur Ban Working?
- Is There a Link between Human Violence and Hunting?
- Is This How to Get Conversations About Farmed Animals Started at a Church Near You?
- I See You. I Love You: On Wounding and Healing Among Activists, Part I
- I See You. I Love You: On Wounding and Healing Among Activists, Part II
- "It changes who you are - forever. What you do with that change is what defines who you are."
- It's clear we're winning - find out how.
- 'It' is Out for Nonhuman Animals - Supporting the Push to Use 'He' or 'She' Instead
- It's a Long Road Ahead: Locals Throw Chicken Breasts at Protestors in Portland
- It's not where you start it's where you finish
- It's One of Those Nights...
- I took the stand to defend animal rescue
- I want to tell you about the action we had in a chicken farm of the broiler industry
- Jain Professional Ethics
- Joaquin Phoenix Comforts Doomed Pigs After SAG Award
- Joe Biden, veganism, and the unbearable privilege of talking about privilege
- Join Our Youth Zine 'Envision' and Make Your Voice Heard
- John Bryant's Legacy
- Jon Wynne-Tyson, Pioneer Animal Rights Activist-Author: To UPC President Karen Davis on the Direction of the Animal Rights Movement
- Justice For All: Be the Change
- Kaporos 2022: Hands-on Activism
- Karen Davis's Final Wish Was Fulfilled
- Killing Denver's Sentient Geese is Flawed in Many Ways
- Kim Basinger Urges Craigslist to Ban Posts with Animals
- Kim Stallwood: A Life Dedicated to Animal Rights
- Kim Stallwood Interviews Mark Hawthorne
- Kim Stallwood on Preserving Animal Rights History
- Kim Stallwood YouTube Channel is Now Open
- Kim Stallwood on Lobbying, New Vegans, and Staying in the Movement
- Kim Stallwood's Meeting with Tier im Recht
- Lady Freethinker Launches New Anti-Dog Meat Taxi Ads in South Korea
- L.A.'s First Vegan Food Bank Scores
- La Raza for Liberation
- LARC Mourns the Loss of Mr. Bob Barker Animal Advocate, Philanthropist, Veteran, and Game Show Host
- Largest CUBE OF TRUTH in the World
- Largest US Fur Farm, Recently Raided by ALF, Closes
- Last Chance for Animals' 2022 Successes for Animals
- LEAP Leaders for Ethics, Animals and the Planet: Alternative to FFA and 4HLeafleting for Animals: A Time-Honored Activist Tradition
- Learn about Veganism in Education (VINE)
- Lebanese Vegans
- LCA's Casa de Carne Wins Best Short Film at Ottawa International Vegan Film Festival!
- LCA's "Super Cow" Wins Bet Short Film at 2023 Santa Monica Film Festival
- Leafletting for the Long Haul
- Leafletting Tips That will Improve Your Advocacy
- League Against Cruel Sports' Activity Booklets for Kids
- Less Harm is STILL Harm
- Let the HSUS Know That Dogracing and Horseracing Are One and the Same
- Letter to a New Vegan
- Letter to Animal Services About the Cruelty of Steer Tailing
- Letter to Friends and Family about Veganism
- Letter to Free Captain Paul Watson
- Letter to Pope Francis About COP16 and Animal Agriculture
- Level 5 Vegan? From Silent Vegan to Activist
- Liberate: Stories & Lessons on Animal Liberation Above the Law
- Liberation Sanctuary 2022
- Life With Pigs Sanctuary - 2020 Report
- Living a Lie
- Lobbyists 4 Good: A lobbying campaign to reduce federal subsidies to Animal Agriculture
- Local activist wins award for spearheading Chicago horse-drawn carriage ban
- Locals Want to End Animal Slaughter in Their Hood
- Looking Back on India’s Dancing Bears
- Looking Behind the Curtain
- Los Angeles Animal Save: 3 Years of Pig Vigils!
- Los Angeles Ends Suffering of Geriatric Ponies at Griffith Park
- Loving animals during lockdown: Activist Eileen Weintraub
- Making the Invisible Visible
- Main Street Vegan Academy – A Review
- Main Street Vegan: Victoria Moran
- Marching For Justice For Animals: An Important Message At Christmas Time
- March Madness? This Is Munch Madness!
- Marisa Miller Wolfson: Ten Years of Vegucation
- Mark Hawthorne, the Vegan Author With a Soft Spot for Rabbits
- Marvel Hero Kid Starts the Youth Climate Save Movement
- Mary T. Hoffman promoted cruelty-free living
- Massive New London Underground Posters Say Ditch Meat And Dairy To Save Planet
- Matthew McKeefry: Animal Rights Activist Profile
- Meaningful Actions against Biodiversity Loss: Lights Out for Bugs and Birds
- Meat is murder
- Meat reduction meets family reality
- Media Shining Light on Abuses
- Meditation as Animal Rights Activism
- Meet the Vegan Activist Who Fooled Fox Biz!
- Microsanctuary Life
- Million Vegan Grandmothers
- Millions of animals are killed every day, but there’s a reason nobody cares
- Minding Animals Curatorial Guidelines: Animals and Art Exhibitions
- Mink Liberation - Minnesota
- Mission Possible: There is a Planet B
- Miss Liberty: A Film Whose Time Has Come
- More Felonies Dropped for Animal Rescuer
- More schools than ever are serving vegan meals in California. Here's how they did it.
- Morristown Medical Center (MMC) in New Jersey Stops Using Live Dogs in Emergency Medicine Residency Program
- Mother and Daughter Vegan Activists
- Motivating the AVMA to envision a world without Ventilation Shutdown
- Moving Animals Launches Website
- Muscovy Ducks Will NOT Be Killed: Activists' and Residents' Voices Were Heard
- My Big Fat Day of Activism: Stockyard sales, Chalking, Greyhound Racing
- My Call to Action - Chris DeRose, Last Chance for Animals
- My First Job Was Slitting the Throats of Chickens at a Slaughterhouse. It Changed Me Forever.
- My Mixed Marriage: Vegan/Omnivore Love
- My Pilgrimage: Dance Lightly With the Living Earth
- My Self-Isolation Quarantine Diary
- My Vegan Memes - Feel Free to Share - Part 1
- Nancy Pearlman Interviews Veda Stram at the 2018 Animal Rights Conference
- National Animal Rights Day 2020 Goes Viral
- National Mango Board's Seedy Tests on Rats Ended
- National Vegetarian Museum (Chicagoland Traveling Exhibits)
- Navigating Federal Legislation: Hacks on Following Bills in Congress
- Navigating the Holidays
- Neptune's Pirates Coming to Television
- 'Never give up' - What Jane Goodall Told Us on her 85th Birthday
- Never Say Never: Fighting to make those rainbows real
- New curriculum for fashion students promotes Compassion in Fashion
- New Documentary's Shocking Footage Follows Tragic Death of Activist Regan Russell
- New Hampshire Animal Rights League NHARL Liberates Snapping Turtle After 24 Years in a Fish Tank
- New Investigative Technique Transforms "Food" Animals Into Investigators
- New Play Explores The Lives Of Slaughterhouse Workers
- NewsBlaze Investigates Student Newspaper Censorship of Animal Cruelty Ad
- Nick Brandt and Jo-Anne McArthur on Photography and Creating Change for Animals
- Night Owls #3: Autumn Offensive
- Nobody can make you 'feel guilty'
- No Live Animals in Queensland Christmas Parade
- Non-Speciesist Language Conveys Moral Commitments to Animals and Evokes Do-Gooder Ridicule
- Nonviolence and Animal Advocacy: QnA with Arihanta Institute's Christopher Miller
- No more monkey business
- Nonhuman Rights Project Calling for Changes at Project Chimps
- Nonviolent Vegan Protest Called 'Un-Australian' as Prime Minister Sides with Farmers
- Not Born to Fight
- Notes from the Epicenter: Being Vegan in NYC During COVID-19
- Not Guilty by Reason of Humanity
- Nuhad Sheikh, Founder of RerQ, Creator of the Vegan Yogi
- Old School Activism: Writing Letters
- Olsen Fur Farm in Wisconsin Raided (Again) and Hundreds of Captive Mink Freed
- One Struggle, One Light: Animal Liberation, Human Rights
- Open Rescues: How UPC Introduced This Strategy to U.S. Activists
- One
- One thousand people in the streets in Geneva for the end of speciesism
- On Perfectionism: One Cold Chicago Morning
- On taking things at face value
- On the Virtue of Temper: Nasim Aghdam
- On Wounding and Healing Among Activists, Part I
- One child’s kindness inspired Caring for Life Education in schools
- Open Letter To The City Of Los Angeles Regarding Prohibiting the Sale of Live Animals for Food
- Open Rescues Began in 1994
- Operation Jairo: Protecting Endangered Sea Turtles along the Shores of Florida, Honduras and Costa Rica
- Opposition Confirms My Purpose
- Optimism isn't just helpful, it's crucial for the work we're doing
- Organizing My Ignorance
- Orthodox Community May Be Growing More Receptive to Our Perspective about Chickens as Kaporos
- Ostrich Race Protest Report, March 2017
- Our 2023 Story—Direct Action Everywhere
- Our Daily Bison Patrols are the Honor of My Life
- Our Movement Depends on Solidarity
- Our obligation is to keep working for the world we want
- Our Strategy – Unrelenting Pressure – Is Working
- Over 500 Animal Rights Activists Participate in Slaughterhouse Vigil; Nine Animals Saved
- Palestine Animal League Conference a Success
- Palestinian Animal League 2018 Conference Report
- Palomacy—It's Pigeon Diplomacy
- Passing the Food Fight Torch
- Pathways To Impact: An International Study Of Advocates' Strategies And Needs
- Patty Mark's Call-Out to Vegan Activists Everywhere
- Paul Watson Arrested - ACTIONS to take
- Paul Watson's Greenland detention extended
- Pavlov and the Kingdom of Dogs
- Paying Forward
- 'Pay Per View' Outreach and Funding Program
- Pei Sue's story: Founder of ACTAsia
- People Can Be Vegan, but the Father of "Reducetarianism" Doesn't Agree
- People for Reason in Science and Medicine (PRISM) in 2016
- Persecuted Sanctuary Owner Tracy Murphy Speaks after Gag Order Lifted
- Persons - Spring 2022 Newsletter
- Persons - Fall 2021 Newsletter
- Persons - Spring 2021 Newsletter
- Persons - Fall 2020 Newsletter
- Persons - Fall 2019 Newsletter
- Persons - Spring 2019 Newsletter
- Persons - Spring 2020 Newsletter
- Persons - Spring 2017 Newsletter
- Persons - Fall 2016 Newsletter
- Persons - Spring 2016 Newsletter
- Persons - Fall 2014 Newsletter
- Persons - Spring 2014 Newsletter
- Persons - Fall 2013 Newsletter
- Persons - Spring 2013 Newsletter
- Petitions and single issues - where's the harm? - FAQ
- Pioneering Undercover Investigator Finally Emerges From Behind the Camera
- Planetary Health: The Need for a Paradigm Shift
- Plantbased Business Hour Podcast
- PlantBuilt Vegan Muscle
- Plant Forward Asia: making the impossible happen for a more compassionate future
- Plant Forward Campaign in Nine Asian Countries
- Plant Sentience Nonsense
- Police Should Not Support Wildlife Killing Contests
- Poor African Children Learning to Love Dogs
- Pork Or Pig? Beef Or Cow? Implications For Advocacy And Research
- Pre-K Kindness for All (CA) Pilot Program Shows Promising Results Among Head Start Students
- Prepping the Vegan Pantry for a COVID-19 Quarantine
- Preserving the History of the Animal Rights Movement
- Press Office Interview with Scottish Musicians “Pilgrims”
- Professor Andrew Knight, the Vegan Vet Who Is Truly a Friend of All Animals
- Promote Policies You Want Rather Than Accept What's Dished Out
- Promoting Veganism with 80’s Pop Music
- Proposed Slaughterhouse Voted Down!
- Protest at the NYC Homes of Trophy Hunters Eric Trump and Donald Trump, Jr
- Provisions of Wisconsin's So-called Hunter Harassment Law Ruled Unconstitutional
- Public Campaigns in China Lead to an Ivory Ban: How an NBA player helped end the sale of ivory in China
- Public Pressure Saves Gerald, the Rose Garden Turkey
- Public University Rejects Animal Rights Club, Citing ‘Emotional Risk’ to Students
- Q&A With the Founder of Seattle Farmed Animal Save
- Questionnaire Design Tips: Some "Dos and Don'ts"
- Rabbits Rescued in Germany
- Raise the Red Flag for captive wild animals! Report abuses you witness toward captive Animals
- Rancher Advocacy Program
- Rancher's Advocacy Program: Making Animal Ag a Thing of the Past
- Rebuilding in 2021: Friends of Animals Works to Undo Legacy of Harm
- Reclaiming Your Identity - Interview with Wotko (Gerardo Tristan)
- Reduce by How Much? Calibrating Meat Reduction Appeals to Maximise Their Effectiveness
- Remembering Britches on World Day for Laboratory Animals
- Remembering Karen Davis - AAM Animal Activism Mentorship
- Rescued! A Game of Knowledge, Strategy and Chance about Rescued Animals
- Rescuing Sick and Dying Animals from Factory Farms is the 'Right Thing to Do'
- Resignation of Sea Shepherd Founder Captain Paul Watson from Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (USA)
- Resilience, Without Reference or Role Models: Women of Color in Underserved Communities in the US
- Responsible Policies for Animals' Campaigns
- Revealing the Truth; One Brushstroke at a Time – Philip McCulloch-Downs
- Reversing roles: Testing the impact of perspective-switching on attitudes towards using animals
- Riding with Buffaloes, New Centre for Wildlife, India's Cats and Other News from Help Animals India
- Right to Education That is Respectful of Veganism / Animal Rights
- Robert Grillo Calls for "Truth-Centered Advocacy"
- Rocky Raccoon: When rescue is a family affair
- Rooster Redemption: "We are an ethical sanctuary"
- Sabotaging Hunts, January 2024 Roundup
- Saks Fifth Avenue Goes Fur Free
- Sandra Owusu-Gyamfi On Saving Ghana’s Frogs And Females In Science
- 'Sausages Are Pigs Stuffed Into Their Own Intestines' – Veganuary’s Bold 2025 Marketing Approach
- SAVE Movements as of July 2019 - Animal, Climate, Health
- SAVE the FROGS! 2020 Art Contest
- Saving the Purple Martins from extinction in 2024
- ‘Saving’ victims by being vegan – numbers from a hat
- “Scared of a Brochure!”
- Schmuecker Fox Farm in Luzerne, Iowa, Raided... Every Last Fox Liberated
- Scholar-Activist Spotlight with Press Office Advisor Yesim Nurova
- School Principal Says 'No' to Animal Rights Club. This Student Is Fighting Back
- Science Matters – for Vegans and Everyone Else
- SCIL Social Compassion in Legislation
- Seb Alex's 2022 Animal Photojournalism Fellowship Portfolio
- See No Evil: Sharing Content in the Age of Sensory Overload
- Sentience Institute Interview with Pei Su, ACTAsia
- Sexism, Male Privilege, and Violence in the Anymal Liberation Movement - Interview with Lisa Kemmerer
- SHARK Regularly Investigates and Exposes Rodeos and Cockfights around the Country
- Shhhh... The History-in-the-Making March of Silence 2018
- Single-Issue Campaigns and Abolition/Vegan Advocacy: What Would a Chicken Say?
- Shakti, we will not rest—I will not rest—until you are safe
- SHARK 2021 Year in Review
- Shark Documentarian Calls For A Vegan Future
- SHARK Showing Animals Respect and Kindness - September 2021 Newsletter
- SHARK Shuts Down Major Pro-Cockfighting/Animal Abuse Fundraiser
- SHARK Shuts Down Multiple Canned Hunts, Sparing Thousands of Ducks and Pheasants
- SHARK Shuts Down Ohio Cockfight
- SHARK's 2020 Year in Review
- SHARK 2021 Year in Review (PDF)
- Shayna Wise Responds
- Sheep Shearing Equipment Stolen
- Shirley McGreal, 1934-2021, Founder of IPPL International Primate Protection League
- Shock Advocacy
- Should You Raise Your Child as a Vegan? Middle Eastern Mothers Discuss
- Should vegans support the McDonald's vegan burger?
- Signifance of Being Cruelty Free
- Silencing Fellow Advocates
- Six Rangers Killed in Democratic Republic of Congo's Virunga Gorilla Reserve
- Six Ways to Take Action for Animals While Staying Safe at Home
- Slaughterhouse to Table: Don’t Forget to Remember
- Slaughterhouse Vigil and Egg Farm Visit
- Social Media Animal Cruelty Coalition (SMACC): Public Advice
- Some Cube of Truth Strategies
- Some Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was New to Activism
- Some Thoughts on Cruelty
- Southwest Dumps SeaWorld: How Many Clicks Did It Take?
- ‘Speaking Love’ Has Sparked Joy, Discovery, and Healing for Catskill Animal Sanctuary Founder Kathy Stevens
- Spectacular National Day of Mourning for Animals in Labs - Los Angeles
- Spirited Arts Competition 2024
- Spring cleaning can save lives of wildlife
- Stahl Fur Farm in Sunbury, Pennsylvania, Raided, Thousands of Mink Liberated
- Standing in solidarity with the Black community...
- Starbucks Drops Non-Dairy Surcharge
- Starting a Vegan Restaurant Week
- Staying true - more thoughts on 'reducing suffering'
- Step Carefully
- Sticker and Leaflet Activism
- Stigmatizing Eating Animals
- Stopping the Yulin Dog Meat Festival - time for a new approach
- Strategic Animal Rights Activism and Activist Reflexivity
- Strategies that Worked to End the Montreal Horse Carriage Industry
- Strategizing Animal Liberation Activism
- Stay at Home Activities for Little Leaguers - From League Against Cruel Sports
- Steven M. Wise (1950-2024)
- Strategizing Animal Liberation Activism
- Successful Advocacy Through Recognizing and Overcoming Denial
- Sugar and Zoe: Mother and Daughter
- Suggestions for Legal Protest
- Summer update, mostly good news! Cows/Dogs/Cats/Elephants and more!
- Surviving Winter, Embracing Spring: The Resilience of Catskill Animal Sanctuary's Senior Animals
- Susie Coston on the Highs and Lows of Sanctuary Work
- Swedish Fur Farm Closes After 5,000 Mink Released
- Tactics In Practice: The Science Of Plant-Based Defaults And Nudges
- Tactics To Deal With Anxiety
- Talking to Political Candidates About Traps
- “Take Care of Yourself” — How I Learned that Selfish Can Be Selfless
- Teaching Kids Tolerance, Humility and Compassion
- Teaching Veterinarians Animal Welfare In Latin America
- Ten Tips for Animal Activists Based on the Life of Henry Spira
- Terrified German Shepherd Spun Violently and Hurled Into Icy River for a Movie Scene
- Testimony in Support of 1476, New York City Ban on Fur Sales
- Texas monkey prison plans scrapped by Charles River Laboratories... will Bainbridge be next?
- Thailand’s “elephant whisperer,” Saengduean "Lek" Chailert, is a force of nature
- Thank You for Making the Virtual Rally a Great Success
- The AI Bias That's Often Overlooked: Speciesism
- The ALF Liberates Eleven Hens from an Egg Farm
- The A.L.F. Strikes Again: Collected Writings Of The Animal Liberation Front In North America
- The Animals Need Us To Do It Differently
- The Animals Voice Magazine: Back Issues Are Now Free Online!
- The Annoying Vegan
- The Art of Hunt Sabbing: An Interview with Alfie Moon
- The AVA Summit Bans Press Office for First Time in 20 Years, Disavows Support for Direct Action
- The Battle Against Illicit Fishing – Sea Shepherd Participates in Government Panel Discussion in Washington, DC
- The Blueprint: Fur Industry Analysis, Weak Links, Addresses
- The Campaign to Get 10,000 Black Women to Go Vegan!
- The City of Berkeley just became the first in the nation to pass a Green Monday resolution!
- The Cost of Kindness
- The Dandelion-hearted Activist
- The Declaratoin of Animal Rights
- The End of the Line: My Cow Vigil Confession
- The Ethical “New Normal”: Is your Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Ready for It?
- The Fate of Children in an Inhumane Society
- The Fight for the Right to Rescue Starts Now
- The Futuristic Fate of Birds and the Other Earthlings
- The Game Changers Movie is a Game Changer!
- The Gentle Barn Co-Founder Jay Weiner Explains The Healing Power of Love and Kindness
- The Greatest Movement In History
- The Great Meddler, Henry Bergh
- The Happy Cart: Food in Support of People, Animals and the Earth
- The Hertfordshire Save Movement
- The importance of consistent anti-oppression - Interview with Julia Feliz
- The Instagram Conundrum: Why did a photo of James Aspey spark outrage and split opinions?
- The Kim Stallwood Archive at The British Library
- The Letter About Ventilation Shutdown JAVMA Refuses to Publish
- The Link Between Plastic And Veganism
- The Long History Of Murdered Animal Rights And Environmental Activists
- The Magic of Road Rules
- The Meaning of Ecology
- The Middle East Vegan Society Launches Vegan Islam Initiative
- The minefield of careless words
- The Misanthropic Bunker
- The Most Terrifying Excuse of All
- The New Big 5: How Wildlife Photography Can Help Save Threatened Species
- The Nonhuman Rights Movement is Considered Disposable By Many
- The Impact of the Anonymous for the Voiceless
- The Importance of Listening in Animal Advocacy
- The Joy of Speaking
- The Need For Humane Education in China
- The Oak Tree of Truth
- The Open Sanctuary Project
- The Path to Liberation
- The perils of presenting animals as humans to kids
- The Politics of Eating Animals in India
- The Power of Advocacy
- The Power of Language in Animal Advocacy: Shaping a Compassionate World
- The Power of Networking: Lucky Pig
- The Power of Protest and the Gruesome Details Behind the Killing of Racehorses
- The Psychology of Blaming Others During the Time of COVID-19
- The Quiet Power of Farmed Animal Sanctuaries
- The Raven Corps
- The Real Reason For Interest in Plant Sentience Has Nothing to Do With Plants
- The Real Story is Getting Out - Ateret Speaks About Flower Protest
- The Reductionist Paradigm Is Killing Us
- The Rise of Meat Alternatives in the Middle East: From Traditional Dishes to Modern Innovations
- The Road to Helping Animals is Paved with Good Intentions
- The Roadmap to Animal Liberation (Part 1: Plant the Flag)
- The Role of Farmed Animal Sanctuaries in Promoting Animal Liberation
- The Role of Vegan Sanctuaries
- The Save Movement continues to inspire vigils!
- The Secret Garden: Human Supremacy, Nihilism, Rewilding Sacred Places
- The Seed Never Sees The Flower
- The Significance of Humane Education in a Sanctuary Setting
- The Stages of Becoming a Compassionate Vegan
- The Story Behind our Mary Had a Little Lamb Ad
- The Taboo Topic: Sickness and Vegans
- The Threatening Nature of Vegans and Truth
- The truth is coming out in 'right-to-rescue' trial
- The Ultimate Kid’s Guide To Dairy-Free Alternatives
- The U.S. Congressional Legislative Process
- The use of art to make a powerful statement
- The Value of Actual Sales Data for Understanding Meat Consumption
- The Vegan Challenge: How to Champion an Invisible Issue
- The Vegan Ice Cream Business in Mexico
- The Vegan/Rescuer Conundrum
- The Vegan Society's International Rights Network
- The Vegans' Trauma
- The Welfare Grip is Too Tight for Animal Rights
- The 'Wolves in School' Program
- There's No Substitute for Protest
- There’s Only One Essential Role Humans Have on Earth—A More Humble Perspective Could Save the World
- There Will Be Battlefields
- These Are Vegan Issues
- “They’re Trying To Kill Us” documentary explores diet, disease and racism through the lens of hip hop
- Think for yourself... end speciesism
- Thinking of Ways to Disrupt Speciesism
- Thinking Pluralistically: A Case for Direct Action
- This chicken factory farm has been transformed into a hub for sustainable, animal-free agriculture
- This Is Not the Time to Despair or Rage
- This Little Bird...
- This Month Marks 20 Years of GREY2K advocacy for the Hounds!
- This Silent Protest was Heard Around the World
- Thoughts about diluting the animal rights message
- Thousands of Captive Mink Liberated in Idaho, Utah
- Three Reasons to Not Protest LVMH [Louis Vuitton] for Exotic Skins
- Time to Stop Trapping 'Furbearers': Promote One Health-Focused Wildlife Stewardship
- To Save Life in the Sea, the Greatest Predator in the Ocean Must Go Extinct
- Today I received an email to help "stop high-speed slaughter"
- Toronto Activists Rise Up For Regan Russell
- Toward a Pandemic-Free World: It Starts On Our Plates
- Towards a Vegan Ideology
- Trading Patronage for Power in the AR Movement
- Trafalgar Square Fountains are Now Blood Red in Protest of Factory Farming
- Transfarmation: Empowering Animal Farmers to Become Plant Farmers
- Transforming People through Humane Education
- Truckers and Vegans For a Free World
- Trumping Animals and Their Homes: Seeing Light in Dark Times
- Turkeys - Articles, Poems, Stories - Article Series
- Twenty-three Hens Liberated in Memory of Barry Horne
- UK's T&S Fur Farm Raided, Rabbits Liberated During Christmas
- Understanding Biases that Can Negatively Impact Farmed Animals and How to Help Folks Overcome Them
- Understanding Food Cultures is Important for Reducing Dietary Environmental Impacts
- Understanding Zoonotic Disease: An Overview For Animal Sanctuaries
- Unexpected Connections
- Unknown Individuals Destroy Wildlife Traps and Smash Wildlife Cameras
- Unoffensive Animal - About Us
- UPC "Don't Gobble Me!" Truck and Bus Ads Are Turning Heads
- UPC Targets American Humane on Behalf of Turkeys
- Upcoming Film: The Rise of the Animals
- Use Your Words: How to Speak Effectively for the Animals
- Using Animals as Insults Perpetuates Speciesism
- Using Disgust To Dissuade Meat-Eaters
- Veal Sandwich Competition Axed from Canada's CNE After Public Outcry
- Vegan Activism Isn’t Reducing the Number of Animals Killed… Yet
- Vegan Activist Forum
- Vegan America Project
- Vegan Car Window Messages
- Vegan Chalking Activism
- Vegan Dad Wins Plant-Milk Battle
- Vegan Dog Treats Receive $550,000 on 'Shark Tank!'
- Vegan Feminism and the Critical Role of Education - Interview with Dr. Corey L. Wrenn
- Vegan Fried Chick*n Company Wants to End Factory Farming for Good!
- Vegan in a Non-Vegan Potluck or... How to Enjoy the Holidays while Vegan
- VINE Vegan in Education FAQs
- Vegan-Inclusive Education: An Interview with Ruth Jenkins
- Vegan Ingredient Learning Flashcards for Kids
- Vegan Milk Takeover! Califia Farms' Greg Steltenpohl Speaks
- Vegan Pensions, the Next Ethical Frontier
- Vegan Psychologist - Resources
- Vegan Resources for Catholic Schools
- Vegan Seafood Rides the Plant-Based Wave
- Vegan Waffle Party Host: Mimi Torres
- Veganism And The Meaning Of 'True
- Veganism as a Matter of Justice: A Short Reply to the Welfarists
- Veganism a Way to Combat Race-Based Violence
- Veganism and the Grandchildren's Commandments
- Veganism as a Radical Peace Movement
- Veganism in the Time of Coronavirus
- Vegans Against All Violence - Humans And Animals!
- Veganuary 2021 Campaign in Review
- Veganuary 2021 Shatters Records: Half Million Pledge To Go Vegan!
- Veganuary celebrates 10 years
- VegKins: Vegan Family Fun
- Veguary: A Vegan Program Highlighting the Contributions and Diversity of Black Culture
- Veterinary Student Anti-Bullying Campaign
- Veterinary Student Farmed Animal Empathy, Slaughterhouse Tour and Community Impacts Field Trip
- Victim Uses Media Interest in His Assault to Generate Attention for Abused Animals
- Videographers Harassed by Animal Abusers
- Vigils and Rescues Ramp Up in the Wake of Activist’s Death
- VINE Vegan in Education - Our Aims
- VINE [Vegan Is the Next Evolution] Sanctuary 2020 Highlights (PDF)
- Virunga Rangers Murdered
- Voices For Animals Over The Years: Philip Wollen
- Voting Records of Senators for Endangered Species Act, Protecting Public Lands, Protecting the Public from Pollution
- Wall Street Journal Ad Campaign for American Tortoise Rescue
- Watch out for your cultural prejudices
- Watch What Happens When Pedestrians are Offered $1 to Watch Video
- Wayne Hsiung and Priya Sawhney Receive Prestigious Homo Ahimsa Award for Compassionate Actions
- Wayne Hsiung on How to Be an Effective Activist
- WCW White Coat Waste Closes FDA’s Biggest Primate Lab
- We Are Proud to Announce LCA Europe!
- We Are the Ocean, book by Captain Paul Watson
- We are the Problem and the Solution
- We Can All Be Activists
- We can help wild animals
- We Did It!
- We Got Trotting—The Fourth Sheep!
- We Have a New Ship: The John Paul DeJoria
- Welcome to the new Captain Paul Watson Foundation
- We Lost One of Our Best...
- 'We Need More People Like' Regan Russell: Mourning and Justice Demanded Over Killing of Animal Rights Activist Regan Russell
- We Protested and Pleaded for Two Kaporos Chickens in San Diego, CA
- We Protested Nellie's Eggs Ads: WAMU 88.5 Listened!
- Welcome to healthy helpful and wise
- We Work WITH Farmers
- We’re Preparing For Our First Hen Liberation [in English and Chinese]
- What About People Who Say Veganism Is Inadequate or Defective?
- What animal activists can learn from Rosa Parks and the Arab Spring
- What animals and women have in common
- What can animalists learn from Vietnam anti-war movement?
- What Can British Anti-Slavery Teach Us About Animal Advocacy?
- What Does It Mean to Be an “Animal Lover” [like Betty White]?
- What Does It Mean To Be Effective Animal Advocates?
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- What I Learned on the Frontlines
- What if Everything We Think We Know about Social Change is Wrong?
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- What is Animal Photojournalism?
- What is DefaultVeg?
- What is the Animal Rights Position on Elephants?
- What is We The Free WTF?
- What Makes Us Crack
- When I Share that Cows Are my Friends
- When Parents Just Don't Understand! Supporting Young Vegans
- When Pigs Escape: An Interview With Filmmaker Jusep Moreno
- What Shall We Do With Our Vainglorious Aspirations?
- When Social Movements Become Strange Places to Be In
- What Jane Goodall Told Us on her 85th Birthday - Never give up'
- What Ringling Bros. Can Teach Us about Protest (Hint: It Works)
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- What You Should Understand About Pressure Campaigns
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- Why Are You A Vegan?
- Why Asia?
- Why Chickens Need Us Too
- Why Climate Healing is the Largest Engineering Project in the History of Humanity
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- Why "high welfare" labels slow the shift to veganism
- Why I am NOT an Apologetic Vegan
- Why I Did Not Sign the Montreal Declaration on Animal Exploitation
- Why I Got Kicked Out of Whole Foods - Again
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- Why I'm proud to stand trial defending the right to rescue animals
- Why I Took the Mic from Kamala Harris
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- Why Vegan Conference 2024, Sin El Fil, Lebanon
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- Writer's Collective -
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- You Aren't a 'Voice for the Voiceless'
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Read more at Animal Rights Articles