Ameer Sanghvi
July 2012
India is a country of highest spiritual-philosophical standards and
lowest characters; therefore, she is unfortunately the land of the greatest
hypocrites in modern world. People from all religious faiths in India claim
to worship the elephant god “Ganesha” and revere elephants as symbolic
representation of Ganesha, yet they openly and consistently abduct, enslave,
brutally torture, terrorize, and exploit elephants till their death. Just
like anywhere else a dead elephant is worth more, so even a dead elephant
does not get spared here.
On June 29, 2012 in Noida near Delhi, after having used two female elephants
as wedding displays, the elephant handler terrorists were forcefully walking
them on the hard asphalt surface on one of the world’s most deadly freeways
en route to a Jain Temple of Shaktinagar in Greater Noida. The intention was
to use these abducted, enslaved, tortured and terrorized elephants for a
religious ceremonial procession organized by the Jain temple, the very
temple which was supposedly built to help spread the message of Jain
principles: Jiv Daya (Compassion to all living beings) and Ahimsa
Ownership, abduction, enslavement, torture, terror, and
brutal killing of any living being are considered the worst of Bad Karmas
according to Jainism. The owner of the enslaved elephants, Zahir Ahmed
Jumman and Shaukat are of Islamic faith and it is a practice for them to
consume dead body parts of abducted, enslaved, tortured, terrorized and
brutally killed animals. By giving them business and money in exchange for
renting enslaved elephants, the Jains have contributed and empowered them to
continue animal terrorism, which again amounts to the worst of Bad Karmas
and due to this reason those Jains have acted as hypocrites.
Back to the elephants’ tragedy... While walking on the freeway both elephants
were hit by a truck (License Plate# HR-38-L-8330) which was being driven
much faster than the maximum speed limit. As a result a 45 year old elephant
named Radharani, was pinned to the truck and dragged on the hard surface of
asphalt road for more than 20 meters. She injured her spine and helplessly
collapsed, she was foaming at the mouth and bled from her legs and other
injured body parts until she died after more than an hour long painful
struggle to get on her feet.
Radharani...died on the road
The second elephant named Champa was thrown far away with serious body
injuries to her head and face. She also sustained a fractured right thigh
and leg. Due to the fractured leg she is unable to sit while standing with
injuries and so much body weight is obviously even more painful. The vet
suggested that her fracture will take up to one and a half months to heal.
The poor owner cannot afford to not make money for that long and also to pay
for Champa’s medical treatment; he will either force her everyday to get up
and work by carrying heavy loads on hard asphalt surface (which gives
elephants arthritis) or will abandon her and deprive her of any help until
she dies a painful death. The elephants never forget, Champa will always
remember being hit by a truck and will always be fearful of them; she has
also witnessed her friend being dragged and killed.
Considering her physical and lifelong psychological trauma and very high
chances of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), I WISH FOR CHAMPA TO BE
EUTHANIZED IMMEDIAELY and be set free forever from the painful misery
otherwise she will be either forced to endure further slavery by Zahir Ahmed
Jumman and Shaukat or the Non-Profit Mafias of the Animal Rights Industry
will get hold of her in order to exploit her tragedy and embezzle tons of
money from the herd of emotionally blinded-idiots, which never helps
At present Champa is in custody of Noida District Forest Officer; however,
due to lack of information available online, I am not able to acquire direct
contact information for that office. So, below I have shared a general
e-mail and website of Ministry of Environment and Forest, Paryavaran
Complex, Delhi:
Please contact them ASAP demanding to administer pain free euthanasia to
Champa in order to set her free from further pain and suffering. This is
only the first task; the second task is to make sure that Radharani and
Champa do not get replaced by another set of elephant slaves. For this we
need to knock on every door we possibly can including the Indian Government
and All religious institutions, especially the Jain community to help
permanently end terrorism on all animals because Compassion & Non-Violence
are their trademark principles that inspired Mahatma Gandhi, whose activism
inspired Dr. King and both of whom with their non-violent leadership and
inspiration have served humanity all around the world; however, since then,
the non-human earthlings have become the greatest victims in our non-violent
society, which demonstrates that we are far away from being able to call
ourselves a non-violent society. Unless and until every living being is
protected under this umbrella of non-violence there will always be incidents
like this and while we feel excited to take action in order to address one
incident, hundreds of others will occur and therefore urgent grand efforts
are required to put a permanent end to cruelty to all earthlings.
“Humans were, are and will remain the sole reason of all human created
catastrophes; therefore, spaying and neutering all reproduction capable
humans will help permanently end the never ending wars, occupations,
genocides, child molestations, rapes, homelessness, hunger, poverty,
corruption, abduction-enslavement-exploitation-terrorism-torture-endless
suffering and brutally painful deaths of human and non-human earthlings plus
absolute environmental destruction at air-water-ground level and rapidly
expanding quest of space invasion, which has led to explosion of floating
hi-tech junk in the space and if humans succeed then soon the other planets
too will be destroyed just like our mother planet, earth.”
~ Ameer Sanghvi