Jesus People
for Animals
January 2017
The overarching message of scripture is that humans need to care for God’s creation. Breeding and killing animals by the billions just so that we can eat them is the opposite of this and just one example of the many ways that we’re getting dominion wrong.
Perhaps Graham is beginning to recognize how atrocious killing animals for their flesh is. He tweeted a photo of a decapitated pig head with the message, “Can you believe I used to eat this??”
When it comes to living more compassionately, renowned evangelist Franklin Graham has seen the light. With the start of the new year, he started a new way of eating, announcing through social media that he is going vegan!
Graham said that he switched to cruelty-free foods to reach his health
goals, but the preacher noted that scripture set a precedent for plant-based
eating, saying, “Remember in the Bible, Daniel went on a complete vegetable
diet and after 10 days his appearance was better than the others who
While any reason to go vegan is a great one, the Bible makes a strong case
for every Christian to consider animals as companions, not food. Perhaps
Graham is beginning to recognize how atrocious killing animals for their
flesh is. He tweeted a photo of a decapitated pig head with the message,
“Can you believe I used to eat this??”
Like Graham, many other Christians have realized that going vegan is a
powerful way to become closer to God. Christians have been called on to be
merciful stewards of God’s creation, but there’s nothing merciful or
Christ-like about the way that animals are abused on farms and in
slaughterhouses, where they are routinely mutilated without painkillers and
denied everything that’s natural and important to them.
Going vegan is a return to God’s intention
The Bible is clear that God’s design for the world is for animals and humans
to exist peacefully with one another, and for humans to be caretakers, not
In a 2002 interview, when asked about the rights of animals, Pope Benedict
XVI said, “That is a very serious question. At any rate, we can see that
they are given into our care, that we cannot just do whatever we want with
them. Animals, too, are God’s creatures . . . . Certainly, a sort of
industrial use of creatures, so that geese are fed in such a way as to
produce as large a liver as possible, or hens live so packed together that
they become just caricatures of birds, this degrading of living creatures to
a commodity seems to me in fact to contradict the relationship of mutuality
that comes across in the Bible.”
The overarching message of scripture is that humans need to care for God’s
creation. Breeding and killing animals by the billions just so that we can
eat them is the opposite of this and just one example of the many ways that
we’re getting dominion wrong.
Slaughtering animals for food necessitates violence and death. Three times a
day, we can make the world a more compassionate place simply by leaving
animals off our plates.