Rebecca the hen is saved from Kaporos Ritual
Animals: Tradition - Philosophy


Woodstock Farm Sanctuary
September 2017

Sent to be tortured for the Kaporos ritual, for the first time in her life, she was shown kindness and compassion. Rebecca was saved and taken to Woodstock Farm Sanctuary.

Rebecca was born in a dirty and hot hatchery where she never got to meet her mom. They kept her in a tiny, cramped space and she barely had room to stretch her wings. Her body ached and she never saw the sun…she was just surrounded by tens of thousands of other baby birds, all peeping for their mothers.

Rebecca was going to be raised to be killed and eaten at just 6 weeks old but instead, she was purchased and sent to Brooklyn NY for the Kaporos rituals [See Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos].

The use of chickens as Kaporos is a custom practiced by certain Hasidic communities and has been criticized by some rabbis and scholars as cruel and unnecessary.

She was picked up roughly and flung into a crate with fifteen other terrified baby chickens. There were 60,000 of them – all destined for a week of torture and then death.

But then, for the first time in her life, she was shown kindness and compassion. Rebecca was saved and taken to Woodstock Farm Sanctuary.

It is hot in NYC this week and Rebecca would be sitting in the sun, without water or cover. The crates are stacked so chickens have their feet caught and broken. Many of them are sick. All of them are suffering.

kaporos chickens

Rebecca is safe. She has a chance. She is still sick from the factory farm and the conditions she was raised in, but she is going to make it.

rescued chicken Rebecca

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