48 Hawaiian Plants, Birds, Insects Protected
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org


Center for Biological Diversity
March 2010

The Center for Biological Diversity's campaign to protect 1,000 imperiled plants and animals got a big boost yesterday when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced it will place 48 species from the island of Kauai on the federal endangered species list. The Center filed scientific petitions to protect most of the species and followed up with legal action when the agency dragged its feet. The Fish and Wildlife Service also designated 40 square miles of the island as protected critical habitat for 47 of the species.

Hawaii is one of the world's extinction hot spots due to logging, development, and the introduction of a slew of exotic species, including pigs, sheep, and mosquitoes. The protection of these 48 species will ensure they too don't become extinct in our lifetime.

Thanks to everyone who donated to our 1,000 Species campaign at the end of 2009. We hope to report even bigger victories as the year progresses.

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