Jim Robertson,
the Big Game
March 2014
Our species has had it easy for so long—starting fires for warmth and skinning animals for clothes and shelter—that now human babies are brought forth continuously, 24-7. At last report, 490,000 new humans per day are born to add to the 7 billion mostly carnivorous hominids already here.
See more stunning wildlife images at Jim Robertson's
Animals in the Wild.
Bison calves are normally born in the spring or early summer. For the first few months of their lives they’re coat is an orange color, turning progressively darker through the warm DSC_0060summertime, until by late August they are as dark as their parents and the other adult and sub-adult members of their herd.
Winters can be harsh for a young calf in Yellowstone, which is precisely the reason bison have evolved, as a rule, to being receptive to breeding exclusively in August. The ensuing gestation period assures that newborn calves are greeted with a full summer ahead of them.
Nearly every animal species living above or below the equatorial belt has adapted to Earth’s changing seasons by only ovulating during a brief window of opportunity, thereby naturally limiting their populations.
The exception to that rule is Homo sapiens, who can impregnate one another year-round.
Our species has had it easy for so long—starting fires for warmth and skinning animals for clothes and shelter—that now human babies are brought forth continuously, 24-7. At last report, 490,000 new humans per day are born to add to the 7 billion mostly carnivorous hominids already here.
Meanwhile, whenever bison herds in Yellowstone thrive enough to reach the arbitrary number of 3,000 total “head,” the park service and the Montana Department of Livestock implement a longer “hunting” (read: walk up and blast the benign, grazing, half-tame bison) season on them, or truck them off to the slaughterhouse—those nightmarish death camps where so many of the bison’s bovine cousins meet their ghastly ends in the name of human hedonism.
And people think we need to control their population?
For more, visit
Buffalo Field Campaign.
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